Would this be considered transphobic by today's standards?
Would this be considered transphobic by today's standards?
They used to think forcing a boy to live as a girl was so abhorrent they made a horror film about it.
Now there's a hit tv show on TCL about it.
I would have sucked her feminine penis so hard and good she would have started saving people instead of killing them.
still just as scary
this but unironically
Damn... there are truly people in this world
What TV show are you talking about? Is it a reality show or is it fiction?
Anyone ever watch the sequels? Are they any good?
I love that all the fucking transphobes always out themselves.
The second one was pretty fun. It dropped the gender confusion stuff in favor of Angela's MO being she kills people who break camp rules. Haven't seen the other two sequels so I can't comment.
>They used to think forcing a boy to live as a girl was so abhorrent they made a horror film about it.
What happened to David Reimer was the true horror story about a boy being forced to live as a girl
just imagine 2040
The character is a trans icon from what I seen from twitter.
trannies don't deserve rights
What’s a video game music composer have to do with it?
the ugly ones don't
Unhappy Campers is good.
Teenage Wasteland is okay.
Return and The Survivor are skip able.
Why does she make demonic tiger nosies at the end?
this but without a shred of irony
I hate this world. Why are women so fucking retarded?
>the fat chef never stopped screaming, you no longer hear him because he is finally out of earshot
My mom told me to watch this movie. Sat through the whole thing, wondering why this dumb bitch told me to watch this garbage, until the final scene gave me a genuine shock I haven't felt from any other film since
This is great for the Earth if this trend begins happening in Asia (aside from Thailand). I guess INDIA superpower 2021 is just a few more decades off since the native populations of the west will not be able to procreate.
meanwhile ace ventura about the dangers of transgenderism is being memory holed as "the bigotry of the 90s"
>that one friend who constantly looked at you like this while showing you a video to see if you laughed or smiled
fuck marry kill
Kill yourself faggot scum
Would this?
Queers should be executed
Kill yourself faggot scum
Fuck Natalie, Marry right, kill middle as any normal hetero man would respond.
what is sauce on right?
Kill yourself faggot scum
stay made herero scum, girl (male) is the new normal, deal with it.
Kill yourself faggot scum