How the fuck was this supposed to be scary? Nothing in the movie is frightening

How the fuck was this supposed to be scary? Nothing in the movie is frightening

Attached: 672ace0.jpg (540x302, 27.09K)

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>this horror film isn't scary, that means it's bad

Attached: npc.png (636x773, 13.88K)

This but unironically

>it's job is to scare people
>it doesn't

Stephen King is a hack. Watch "It Chapter Two".


No, that's the expectation that you're putting on it. Most good horror films don't try to create fear within the viewer, but rather explore fear as an emotion in various ways. The Shining uses the fear Jack creates within Wendy and Danny as a way to explore a shitton of different topics mostly involving some sort of abuse of power. The fact that it doesn't scare most viewers does nothing to take away from its greatness

its suppose to be mental

I can only imagine the type of person who dislikes this film. Either brain dead or so contrarian its pathetic.

I have a feeling it was supposed to be like a mental thing, like the characters were going crazy. Or you were going crazy


>wants scary
>watches a movie

>as a way to explore a shitton of different topics mostly involving some sort of abuse of power
this sounds like some post modern liberal bullshit


rent free

when you watch a porno do you expect a woman to reach out of the computer and jack you off?

Whatever. Keep not enjoying the horror genre because you refuse to look at them from a more openminded perspective

I never watched a horror movie in my life but the scariest film I've watched is strangely enough was Mulholland Drive. After reading about the film hours and hours it gave me chills for some reason and I got really scared.

Here's something more your level

weak argument for a weak movie. you’re definitely never going to make it

>Look Tyrone! I'm meming on the internetz just like those nazeh you're always talking about!

How is this different from Hannah Gatsby's interpretation of comedy? It doesn't have to be funny, etc.

It's not very hard for a film to make you laugh. It takes skill, but it's doable. When was the last time you watched a movie and it genuinely scared you?

one of kubrick's worst but still a good film.Eyes wide shut is more unsettling.

Beautiful scene, a single frame doesn't do it justice

The Blob (1988)

seething cuck

Wow, red water going down a hallway


Not even King liked this shit movie

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That's good bait, you seem like a funny guy

>Not even King liked this shit movie
This is a positive lmao, King is a dumb hack

It's a great film, who cares which genre it is marketed as.

Let's advertise every single thriller ever made as a horror film, are they suddenly all bad films?

what if there was red water in your hallway bud

I recently did a close watch for the "title cards" throughout the film, this is what I came up with.

Also, the title screen itself appears at the EXACT CENTER of the opening sequence itself, about 1:24 into a sequence which runs for about 2:48 (plus or minus a second here). I don't think I've ever seen anyone make this observation before. It's obviously Kubrick's precision, but this exact split can also be read as part of the significance of mirrors, reflective surfaces (the lake itself in the opening) and symmetry in the film.

If anyone would care to discuss the film, I'm in the mood.

Attached: Shining Title Cards.png (1425x810, 83.75K)

Are righties unironically this retarded

what exactly makes it great?

Why did Jack go crazy again? Like what was the catalyst for him going psychotic? Alcohol?

The performances, the cinematography, the soundtrack, the editing, production design, writing, everything.
Literal flawless execution of every single filmmaking element

It was the spooky ghosts at the hotel that made him do it

post of the day