The title of James Bond 'Licence to kill' was originally going to be 'Licence revoked' but producers feared the...

>The title of James Bond 'Licence to kill' was originally going to be 'Licence revoked' but producers feared the American audience wouldn't know what revoked meant

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What a country!

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I couldnt imagine living in a country NOT always in the spotlight. Gosh its lonely at the top, must be nice when the world is completely indifferent to your existence.

>people will actually fall for this.


O Say Can You See

They also wanted Dalton wearing Miami Vice-style pastel suits, but he refused and insisted on wearing only the types of clothing that novel Bond would wear.

Wow, British producers really are retarded to think this.

True story: The Madness of King George was originally called The Madness of George III. They changed the title in case Americans thought it was a sequel.

>the felafel stone?
>the filipino stone?
>the pfizer stone?

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Oi, you got a license to post that comment m8?

>be American
>some commie fags try ripping you off for selling you only a third of a burger for the price of a fourth
>go on shooting spree

it should have been the madness of king george iii, that way it's not some random george and it's clear its a royal pineage

>The title of James Bond 'A View To A Kill' was originally going to be 'From A View To A Kill' but producers feared the American audience wouldn't know what From meant

>incel have a blast because incels don't know what having sex means


>Originally titled Licence Revoked in line with the plot, the name was changed during post-production due to American test audiences associating the term with driving.
Which is the reasonable assumption. Driver's licenses are often revoked.

And not everybody can immediately recall that Bond has a "license to kill". Maybe Bond fans can, but significant portions of the viewing public have only seen a couple Bond movies, and don't necessarily know all Bond trivia.

>Call it the "third pounder"
>which isn't a common saying, and doesn't clearly mean 1/3 of a pound
>"quarter pounder" clearly means 1/4 of a pound
>blame American innumeracy, rather than sloppy and ambiguous naming.

>be britcucks
>have to adapt whatever you make to the BIG AMERICAN BVLL
>or else lose money
>think they are somehow superior
It just makes no sense to me.

>The title Casablanca: A Moroccan Tale was changed to Casablanca because producers feared Americans didn't know was Morocco was

>American audiences are so dumb they can't understand the difference between association
you sure showed me!

What are you even saying?

>the difference between association

British spell color like faggots and lost the fucking revolutionary war.

Fuck Europe. Bunch of left behinds.

>The title Thundercock was changed to Thunderball because producers feared Americans would know what a cock was

What's liscense?

shut up fat

Is this a zoomer thing? Because they don’t watch James Boomer

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>The title Privateers of the Caribbean was changed to Pirates of the Caribbean as producers feared Americans didn't know what 'Privateers' meant

thanks for changing your movie around so that it appeals better to us, i guess?

>James Bond was originally written as James Stock, but it was changed out of fear British would associate it with the stocks they deserve around their neck for their unlawful taxation of tea and sundries.

>Call it the "third pounder"
>which isn't a common saying, and doesn't clearly mean 1/3 of a pound

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they shouldve just called it a thirder pounder.

Common Core destroyed our education system.

What happens to Bristish people who loose their various licenses? Are they "revoked"? What word do Brits use instead?


Teachers also get cucked too
>can't discipline students
>if students are out of line the teacher gets punished
>if students get bad grades because they fuck around the teacher gets punished
Americans treat their children as virtuous gods



In English "third" is usually used to mean the third option. As in "first", "second", "third", "fourth".


"Quarter" always means "1/4".

if you get in telly-trouble you wind up 7 bell to a gallflapper.