Why isn't there any kinos on the founding of the German Empire?

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people in the u.s. dont seem that interested

There probably are, but clearly you just wanted a gay /his/ thread

Nazis bad

Because the German problem is still an issue

>Nazis in the 1870s

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Actually, I looked on wikipedia for depictions of Otto Von Bismark in film and only found 1 series from 1974 and a Danish tv show from 2014.

t. Anglo rat

Getting people interested in German history pre-ww2 is dangerous for certain groups.

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Prussian militarism and nationalism led to WW1 and the Nazis. Prussia was eradicated and wiped off the maps for a reason

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It's too closely tied to WWI and WWII to be a positive subject for most people. That's not necessarily fair, Bismarck never wanted the World Wars and he would have hated the explicitly anti-Prussian nobility Nazis, but nonetheless that's the association. You can't do a movie about the German Empire without being called a Nazi, which is somewhat ironic considering that the German Empire was far more tolerant of Jews than all the other world powers of the time, it was standard practice for impoverished Prussian nobles to marry their sons off to the daughters of wealthy Jewish businessmen, it was so prevalent that the Nazis had to include a special "1/4 jewish on the mother's side" exception because otherwise they would have lost half their senior officers.

Because the entire concept of the German Empire is repulsive and should never have existed


There are plenty of good films about any and everything German but you'll have to be able to understand German. Another requirement would be the ability to keep an open mind and don't go "IT'S A NAZI FILM" or "IT'S A DEGENERATE WEIMAR REP FILM". Of course Yas Forums is just /intpol/ now so this post is entirely pointless.

yes, all germans are nazis, no matter when.

At the end of WWI, there was a failed communist uprising in Germany led by German Jewish people, at around the same time that Lenin (1/8 Jewish, although he himself didn't know it) was leading an uprising in Russia with the help of Trotsky (100% Jewish), and Germany's enemies were being bankrolled by Jewish bankers in London/Paris/NY.

Essentially, the Nazi Party had plenty of blame to lay at the feet of many powerful and wealthy Jewish people, and addressing that fact is uncomfortable in modern media. Of course the innocent Jews on the street who got killed weren't to blame, but it seems like even addressing the fact that the people who profited off of the German Empire's collapse were in many cases wealthy jews, which further drove anti-semitism, is taboo.

>movie about germs
no thanks, got enough of that with corona

>One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.

Pretty fucking based.

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Napoleon was the last time the world had kino.
The world wars are boring and over-done as fuck.
In a single decade Napoleon went from a moody depressed soldier writing about suicide to the Emperor of the French who crowned himself, forced the Pope to submit and defeated the Austrian and Russian Emperors.

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Did you honestly believe that one of the most famous figures in German history would only have two series about him?

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Because germs aren't people and if I want to watch animal documentaries, I'd pick something about more interesting beasts than this bunch of useless fucking retards

because they were Cis white Christian males

>Prussian militarism and nationalism led to WW1
hon hon hon Elssass shall be French once again...

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>childhood is idolizing napoleon
>adulthood is realizing bernadotte made more sense

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Why'd you leave out the part where Germany sent Lenin back to Russia in the first place as an epic fucking prank?

Since the great European Wars had pretty much nothing to do with the Balkans and everything to do with Germany, I'd say it's pretty cringe.

>perfect world
>Belgium still exists

germs arent allowed to know about their own history incase they kill 6 million ethnic minorities again

>Napoleon was the last time the world had kino.
He was the last great general born in an era where military tactics still mattered above raw material output.
>In a single decade Napoleon went from a moody depressed soldier writing about suicide to the Emperor of the French who crowned himself, forced the Pope to submit and defeated the Austrian and Russian Emperors.
That almost understates it. Napoleon, an ethnic Italian, upon graduating from a military academy in France, joined a nationalist uprising *against* France which failed, and he then rejoined the French military and was just so fucking brilliant that everyone ignored his thick Italian accent or that he was bizarrely short (for a noble, even a lower noble). His whole journey was just unreal, if he had known where to stop and hadn't believed he was divinely ordained to succeed (who could blame him for thinking that after Austerlitz?), he'd be right up there with Augustus in history.

pretty sure something about russia went very wrong for ole napoleon, but he was a very based man

Post WW1 Alsace-Lorraine should have been turned into an independent nation

Because that worked out so fucking well for Poland

Worked for Belgium

Strange that they're not mentioned here. I'll watch them thanks user.

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Nobody wants Belgium

bernadotte did all that shit and came out on top so what the fuck

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For a few reasons.
1. Lenin was surprisingly disconnected from the socialist movement in Russia for a long time, we think of him as the driving force behind the October Revolution and the anti-tsarist movement in general but in 1905 he wasn't even *in* Russia. It's a case of a man taking advantage of an existing movement and successfully placing himself as the leader.
2. The Tsarist regime was already falling apart. Arguably it had been for a long time and it was amazing that it weathered the storm of 1905 in the first place, forget about 1917.
3. At the time Lenin was sent back to Russia, nobody, not even Lenin himself, knew he was part Jewish. It was a fact discovered after his death that Stalin (also an anti-semite) tried and failed to cover up.

Bernadotte? The faggot who got the consolation prize of a snowy little shithole famous for occasionally giving the rest of the world fapbait?

Excellent statesman

Adolescence is idolizing Bernadotte
Adulthood is realizing Davout was the greatest of them all

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>Since the great European Wars had pretty much nothing to do with the Balkans
De donde es Gavrilo Princep

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That's also part of what makes him so interesting.
He had it all. But like the gambler who throws the dice one too many times, he lost it all and he has such a poetic ending. Not killed but exiled to an insignificant island, right back where he started with years to reflect on his life.

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>France beats Austria
>Britain gives Prussia money to fight France
>France beats Prussia
>Britain gives Russia money to fight France again
>France beats Russia
>Britain gives Austria money to fight France again

Based Britain, why fight when you can just pay someone to fight for you?

Could have picked literally any other pretext, Balkans were just the convenient excuse but the Balkans had little to do with Austria's expansion policy and Germany's desire for a war no matter the pretext
Could just as well have erupted over Morocco if the situation in the Balkans had somehow been defused

Because anything German makes people autistically seethe. Take a look at this thread for instance. Never forget the 6 billion!

>greatest of them all
are his descendants kings?

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this I cannot wait for that ISIS headquarters to get btfo

Germans don’t like Nationalistic films. Their film about the Red Baron, for instance, barely got made. Tom Cruise, when shown the film while on the set of Valkyrie, jumped out of his chair and said “I can’t believe they let you make a film like that in Germany!”

>Russia beats Ottomans
>Britain gives money to Ottomans (and declares war)
>Prussia beats France
>Britain gives money to France

apparently their covid death rate is the highest per capita in the world

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Ah yes the great history and legacy of the Kings of Sweden, an assurance of luxury and impotence for his descendants purchased at vile price for betraying his nation
It's a bad joke

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switching sides is a proud french tradition
the italians do it too

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>the Balkans had little to do with Austria's expansion policy
But they were expanding into the Balkans you fucking idiot
