Does Yas Forums like rita ora?
Does Yas Forums like rita ora?
latins are slutty
She's Albanian
she's albanian
Yeah but we all know thats a lie. Her Mum, Dad and sister are nowhere near as dark as her. Her Mum is/was a slag like every woman
albanians are slutty
Why did God create us just to give us overwhelming urges that are so hard to satisfy unless you're born with certain traits?
I always get her confused with Dua Lipa.
Yes and... ?
Which god did that?
the white one
I know she's supposed to be Albanian and all but she looks nothing like any of the Albanians I've ever known. I always thought she was half black or something until I found out
that's why rape was invented
My god you are fucking stupid.
>this is up
>edge of tomorrow thread with actual discussion gets deleted
>i get banned for trying to start another thread
come the fuck on
Only that whore's tits.
You deserved it
Why are there so many female Albanian pop stars now? I assume it's some sort of criminal money laundering enterprise.
Mood. I'd suck on those shqiptarët titties
Bogdanoffs answer to Albanians
can confirm any albo chick that is not sheltered is secretly a dangerous slut out for money as instructed by her mommy. after dating one for a couple of months i really hate albos now.
It's what women turn to when they can't harvest organs like their male counterparts
She has excellent teat structure
Albanian mafia.
Prove it in the archives. I want to see your perfectly on-topic thread faggot
>28 posts
>zero pics
wtf is a rita ora?
I don't understand how people like this just pop up out of nowhere in a "yes, now THIS person is famous, and you're supposed to like them, yes that's right".
Idk I'd shove it in her ass though
>I don't understand how people like this just pop up out of nowhere
You being a shut-in or living under a rock does not invalidate her celebrity status.
kinos for this feel?
Use the internet, retard. If you left your usual discord and Yas Forums board it's pretty easy to tell what constitutes famous nowadays. Stop getting clowned on by people who shame you not knowing their fav streamer with 5k viewers