/who/ - Doctor Who General

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Man jaw 4 liiiiifeeeee

undeniably still the best Doctor

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stop putting that pale imitation in the op

hello /who/ where are all of you from?

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hate flies
hate ravens
hate gardening
bill's cool
nardole too
love me clara
love me tardis
simple as

also FUCK p.e. teachers and FUCK ashildr

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>Another e-Whore thread

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Legit question here: Why did he suddenly decide to become a warrior at his regeneration? In Night of the Doctor, it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with the time war still.

America. Started watching Who when I was in high school, stopped watching after 11 left. Saw the episode live on TV. Recently started watching Nu-who over again and I like 9 the most I think. Will start Classic Who soon as I get past Capaldi since there was never a 13th doctor. Glad they ended it at 12.

Definitive scene or line with which each Doctor became *The Doctor*:


So we will have kino of the highest order two days in a row. Dalek and then Chimes of Midnight a day after. Based Shearman

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Croatia. Older brother got me into the show back in 2006, he never moved past Tennant while I've autistically absorbed Classic and nuWho, going through Big Finish these days. For me, it's this madman.

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That one episode where humanity comes together to defeat a lone dalek was probably the only decent story in 13's run

Jenna laughs at this mockery

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"I'm The Doctor." - The Doctor

Powerful stuff man.


from up norf like based clara, Dad told me to shut up and watch this new program that got a remake and ever since then I've been enamoured with Who

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>muh Ponds
FUCK Smith

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>I swear Rose if I catch the little dickheads who did this I'll show them 'Based Retard'

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seconding up norf

Northern Ireland.


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Why do you keep posting this skank?

Finally a good version of this.

Anyone here like Inspector Spacetime?

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Knowing that 12 might come after you if you did something wrong, what would you do if you caught Clara in this position?

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I never saw Torchwood growing up as I saw 2 men kissing in episode 1 but gave it a chance a month back, made me really love Jack and co. more
rewatched Journey's End after memeing it in the other threads and heard little torchwood theme ques whenever Jack was going in the vents

Do what any healthy red-blooded male would do to her, then hang myself with the rope to avoid Capaldi's wrath, and hope he won't resurrect me to torture me or something.

I don't know, I can't stop myself.

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it's him finally giving in.

I'd rather she be in this position.

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I didn't feel that from the delivery though. There was no pushback from him at all. No regret or remorse. He didn't feel like a weary man giving in, just felt like a guy doing a thing. I get he was already dead from the crash so he had to regen but I dunno. Just felt off to me.

Sorry to disappoint everyone. It's a good edit though.

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No, Really!?

oh fuck off just got a semi for nothing

Would it be kino, /who/?

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>I'm burning up the image cap just to post '/who/'

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I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But I saved that image specifically so no one would spank it to false Clara ass. I have this forbidden knowledge so I can save others from falling for the edits.

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Arkansas, got into Doctor Who with 11.

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