What's some anti neoliberalism films?

What's some anti neoliberalism films?

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Unironically the Star Wars prequels.

reminder that this movie is NOT about jews

George Lucas is a neoliberal dipshit

Why was the alien writing Hebrew?

Starship Troopers

>movie about mass proaganda campaigns through subliminal advertising
>doesnt know who Edward Bernays is

Daily reminder that this movie is about Jews and John Carpenter is just covering his ass when he says otherwise

>reminder that this movie is NOT about jews

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>movie about not following the stream and making up your own mind

Daily reminder that the people who think every problem stems only from jews are the biggest simps for big business on the planet

The Right hates jews except for when their fat retarded president sucks Bibi's cock, then they talk about how great Israel is and why the slightest criticism of it is antisemitic

Lord of the rings

>"Jews are corrupt, narcissistic assholes who only care about themselves and constantly fuck over other people due to their own neuroticism"

Donald Trump isn't even right wing

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I want an articulation of what "real" rightwing is
give it to me

Do you know what neuroticism is

I guess right-wing ideology is a loose collection of memes that have no actual definable values...

I have a dream.

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Yas Forums's biggest victory was deflecting any valid criticism towards the capitalist ruling class into THE FUCKIN JEWS HURRR retardation

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What are you trying to say mr frog?

Attached: preview-jewish-privilege-1-1[1].jpg (768x1024, 189.4K)

>a tribe of people who are completely insular, miserly and sociopathic when it comes people outside of their tribe thrive in a system that rewards miserly, exploitative, sociopathic and selfish people the most

>control of the world
It's obvious he wouldn't have added that had he not wanted to admit it subtly.

>Yas Forums's biggest victory was deflecting any valid criticism towards the capitalist ruling class
>a tribe of people who are completely insular, miserly and sociopathic when it comes people outside of their tribe thrive in a system that rewards miserly, exploitative, sociopathic and selfish people the most
These two statements are not mutually exclusive. Jews thrive in capitalism because they are evil and they represent the capitalist ruling class. Did you want to say anything else mr frog?

That image is not even close to true. The links at the bottom aren’t even related to the claim. Pretty amazing how stupid Yas Forums incels are.
Jews are, by far, the least insular people in the United States. They marry non-Jews 60- 80% of the time, depending on how you define “Jewish.” For comparison whites marry non-whites 11% of the time.



As for sociopathy, I strongly doubt that Jews have higher rates than anyone else, but feel free to prove it.

Imagine thinking that "the 1%" is actually meaningful. The vast majority of that group is professionals like doctors or accountants.

you're taking two peoples' posts and mashing them together user
and you're still deflecting to "jew" and "jewish capitalist ruling class"
even before it was jews it was still a capitalist ruling class doing the same thing

>That image is not even close to true.
Claiming it's not does not disprove it.

>you're taking two peoples' posts and mashing them together user
Because the second post was made with the intent to support the first and invalidate the argument made against it.

>and you're still deflecting to "jew" and "jewish capitalist ruling class"
I am not deflecting if that is the reality. You are deflecting from it.

>even before it was jews it was still a capitalist ruling class doing the same thing
As opposed to a socialist ruling party doing the same thing?

It's a claim made by a neo-nazi with no supporting evidence. There's no reason to think it is true. You would honestly have to be retarded to think that, which is no surprise given Yas Forums's average IQ.

And in fact, just by looking at the total Jewish population of the US and comparing it against the total population of 1% earners in the US, it's physically impossible for Jews to be 44% of the 1%.

Do you remember how much brainwashing it took for you to believe that? Why would you think a successful director would have anywhere near a low enough intelligence to believe that.

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it's literately mind control, not just the spookie billboards. Have you even seen the film?

There have been multiple ethnic ruling classes throughout the history of capitalism user
White nationalists are just pissed they're not anglos this time around
You can even see it in countries that are nonwhite, where a certain ethnic group in that region would rise to power because of those same tribal, sociopath tendencies
Even in feudalism the royalty often was either foreign-blooded or so inbred they had very little to do with the rest of the population
I'm not arguing in favor of socialism I'm arguing that the focus on which race is in control doesn't matter because they're still at the head of the same meatgrinder

How does anyone fall for Yas Forums's shit? The first link has nothing to do with the claim, the second link disproves the claim by showing that 56% of Jews make under 100k/year. That's hilarious.

>It's a claim made by a neo-nazi with no supporting evidence. There's no reason to think it is true. You would honestly have to be retarded to think that, which is no surprise given Yas Forums's average IQ.
It doesn't matter who makes the claim if the claim is valid. I am Hitler and I claim that 2+2 equals 4. And I am not of average IQ so I don't care what others believe.

>And in fact, just by looking at the total Jewish population of the US and comparing it against the total population of 1% earners in the US, it's physically impossible for Jews to be 44% of the 1%.
That is not relevant. This isn't some predictive model that follows an established pattern. Becoming rich does not need to follow an even distribution based on population sample size.

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It's not reality. Jews are disproportionately wealthy but they are infinitely far away from running any country except Israel, let alone the entire world. When this movie was made in the 80s, this bullshit was even LESS true.

>Do you remember how much brainwashing it took for you to believe that?
Not at all. I just saw refugees being invited into Western Europe when many other countries were safe, jews tracking the amount of white people in various places, the exaggerate race mixing propaganda in media, the hate towards national and ethnic pride of white groups and so on.

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The claim isn't valid. 44% of Jews make over 100k. The line for 1% is something like 450k. Using common sense we can conclude that the majority of Jews who make over 100k will make well under 450k.

Why do Amer*cans think liberalism is left wing?

So jews simultaneously want to destroy muslims but also want to flood the countries that jews control with muslims?

Only thing in the movie that supports the argument that it is not about jews is pic related

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>jews tracking the amount of white people in various places
You mean the one shill image you incels spam, featuring a guy named Potok who isn't even Jewish?
>the exaggerate race mixing propaganda in media
Let's assume your incel bullshit is true and Jews run the European media (they don't). Whites race-mix the least of anyone, meaning if anything all that race-mixing "propaganda" is engineered to wipe out everyone EXCEPT whites.
>the hate towards national and ethnic pride of white groups and so on
Ah yes, how dare Jews dislike one of the top 3 most evil ideologies in human history. It's okay for you to hate Jews because of 20 fake tweets on twitter, but it's not okay for Jews to hate nazis?

You are hilariously brainwashed and your IQ is less than my pet's. Everyone on Yas Forums is like this.

>which race is in control doesn't matter because they're still at the head of the same meatgrinder
But it absolutely does because some have evil interests and there are some that actually want to better the world.

>It's not reality.
It is reality. I can claim things too, see.

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There's not a single thing in the movie that suggests it's about Jews. The only way you can think that is if you believe Jews have all the power, or more specifically, did in 1988. The only people who are stupid enough to believe either of those things are
>muslim radicals
John Carpenter is neither of those things, ergo he didn't make it about Jews.