Am i a sociopath?

I literally never cried over a movie, was never even close to tears
Im 25 btw

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have sex


Only time I've cried was over how pathetic and ugly I am when I was like 16

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You don't owe movies some emotional reaction, so no.


Im rather upset desu, i WANT to cry over a movie, i feel like im missing out, its like never experiencing orgasm

shit like this is always wild to me because I'm the opposite end of the spectrum and cry all the fuckin time

Every time I cry at a movie I feel weird, like that's not a normal thing a man should be doing and that I'm probably unhinged or emotionally scarred for having such a strong response to fiction.

being unemotional is not exclusive to sociopaths
do you treat other people like prey, and primarily view them through the lens of what they can provide you?

Nah youre probably just an NPC

>Doesn't cry from PotC or LotR

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Thought I was too.

I have seen Kids Return and I have cried like a litlle bitch how I wasted my childhood for a shitty career instead of following my dreams like becoming a boxer or a pilot.

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Please return to Reddit.

I've cried a few times while watching Steven universe. I'm not a onions boy but I am a pussy. You can call me a fag tho, I don't mind. Crying is reserved for when a story perfectly applies to you and they represent you perfectly

Spoilers because nobody wants to hear about Steven universe on Yas Forums
the main themes of the show are about Parenthood and how children are exposed to trauma
When Steven develops genuine post traumatic stress from Jasper and Bismuth. But when he had to confront this he wished he never hurt them and I feel that because I've hurt a lot of people. Then when Steven brings centipeedle to that nest and realized she could write and explain what happened to her, and he wanted to learn her language so that he could say he was sorry.

Also everything about Steven universe future, where his angry venting at this very impressionable baby cactus made it into a monster.

I chose to be sensitive. Being jaded and cynical means you don't enjoy things. I like to stay somewhat naive because my highs are greater at the expense of lower lows. But that's the life I want.

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Based and depressed-pilled

Come here get a hug

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this can also be a result of NPD or having a schizoid (not schizophrenic) personality. maybe you should see a film at the cinema and stop trying to have a cynical or over analytical mindset.

This may sound extra Reddit but Steven universe cured my depression because it showed really healthy ways of coping with the loss of someone close, how to heal and move on. As well as regret for past actions and how to resolve them. I've learned to forgive myself and accept who I am which is why I'm unashamed to enjoy the show.

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People who cry at fiction either aren't very bright, or don't have real problems.

I used to never even think I'd be able to cry at film/shows.

Then one day, on the third viewing of a film I'd never felt any stirring emotions about, I wept. Now if something is effective, it can make me well up. Not sure what changed.

Or maybe the medium perfectly represented someone's problems and it gave them a genuine connection and empathy.

So you sound like you don't have any problems.

What film?

It’s okay I didn’t start tearing up during movies until I was 26

i can't choose to be sensitive even though I want to be
it's only an intellectual sensitivity
"real" problems is relative, and most people have emotional reactions to media from time to time.

>being a man

god damn would be even worse to cry infront of a female

>I've cried a few times while watching Steven universe
end your life frogposter

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Fuck, I remember the centipede. Made me cry when she got bubbled again. She saved Steven and was loved. Then the Steven universe signature ending sequence at the end... it had good moments.

I come close to tears sometimes but I never cried over a movie.

>I can't be sensitive
I started by choosing to care about people. I was so lonely and sad for the longest time that the only positive socialization I received was when I held doors open for people and did generally small acts of kindness and politeness.

I also stopped watching shit that desensitized me to violence. Teenagers are dumb as fuck, they'll watch 50 videos on LiveLeak of people burning alive and think "man I feel nothing I must be so tough and desensitized" as if that's something to be proud of. If you cut out the edgy shit in your life you'll start to reacto to negative stimuli like an ordinary person.

end your pain you're about 3 weeks from becoming a tranny. Kill yourself now before it's too late

>If you consume media that has feminine undertones then you want to be a girl
It sounds you YOU are the tranny here, cunt.