Finally got to watch the picrel and it was mondo cool

Finally got to watch the picrel and it was mondo cool
It absolutely nailed the "self-contained apocalypse" feel and at times even reminded me of a grim folk tale ala Road Warrior
What did Yas Forums think of it?

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>What did Yas Forums think of it?
There was a general while it was still fresh, but some people have turned contrarian since then and proclaimed it subpar.
It's kino though, enjoyed it very much.

>some people have turned contrarian
In this shithole? Surely not.

It was okay. It had a good story to follow but the director was talentless and played it safe. Cinematography was mediocre, script was too generic. The story was enjoyable to follow and the acting was good.

Show could've been a 10/10 kino if they got a talented director behind the helm. It's just a forgettable drama otherwise.

/rbmk was prime /tv the last few years

it truly was.

>cinematography mediocre
strong disagree, I still vivedly remember moments like Akimov and Leonid going to the basement to shut down the pipes or Ignatenko's funeral purely because of how beatifuly shot they were
Script did have some moments that made me roll my eyes a bit but I don't really care, this really felt like a series focused more on its' tone then being 100% structually and logically sound

Every faggot general thinks their faggot general was "prime /tv".

Anyone claiming to not like it is delusional

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only before it got mixed with terrorshit

0/10, not enough bare bottom spankings

>prime Yas Forums
Maybe for fucking degenerate subhuman trash like you. /rbmk/ was only good while the show lasted, then it was overtaken by literal faggots who have crush on actors from terror/chernobyl.

it's propaganda honestly

how so?

>What did Yas Forums think of it?
Not great, not terrible

I had fun watching it with Yas Forums, sorry you had to miss the good threads.

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He's an internet tankie mad that the show didn't such his tinpot's dick off. B-b-but muh three mile reeeee

>t. Vladislav Borodin

>kino show
>kino threads
>kino OCs

Not great, not terrible

my nigga

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The cinematography was great. One of the best things about it. It did what it was supposed to do. Understated. It could've easily been in you're face, flashy and stylised. Like most other shows that look like dog shit. I liked how the cinematography had restraint, looked good by following the fundamentals.

Yeah, a lot of the details of the show were completely invented. But, they used the 'realism' of the show to hide that. Convince you it's all the truth.

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Cringe character, writers couldn't have been any more obvious

In the first 2 weeks of the show being released the /rbmk/ general was the best this board has been in years, like since LOST was on. The OC was flowing like wine.

It's definitely on me, from everything I've seen it looked like it was going to be just another generic biopic
how wrong was I...
still got a bunch of OCs saved but yeah watching it with you fags would've been hype af

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Great miniseries, because it exposed Communism for what it really is.

also just to add, I've really liked this faggot
are any other movies that he starred in worth a watch or was this just a one time thing?

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Really fun show, I just finished it so I never got around to experiencing it like so many anons did when it came out. HBO should do more miniseries like these.

>it exposed Communism for what it really is.
A system able to overcome an apocalyptic crisis?

whats some other post apocalyptic kino?>