People here are mad China is going to take over Hollywood

>people here are mad China is going to take over Hollywood
You know they're going to stop putting blacks and browns in everything, right? Even browns like Pajeets prefer seeing white people to darkies.

Attached: 1557694480044.jpg (631x719, 158.8K)

The opposite. China promotes diversity oversees while being xenophobic at home.

As if the jews will allow it. Hollywood is their child.

Why can't Russians take over it instead? At least there would be some attractive women.

Russians are terrible businessmen. look at their own shithole country.

>China promotes diversity oversees while being xenophobic at home.
Nah. Chinks don't play the same playbook as commies did.
They are poor as fuck

What is modern Russian cinema like?

Attached: meanwhile-in-russia.webm (460x252, 2.91M)

Chinks are brown themselves
Fuck off, Xing Long

Because Russians are fucking retards

Jews will sell their own child for a shekel

The Chinese are literally the most communist nation currently on earth

Lol. Chinks are commies in name only. They are just a very stable one party dictatorship.

Their shithole country doesn't let them be good businessmen. they seem to do pretty well in the US, but they can't seem to knock off the petty shoplifting once they get here.

Yeah, they kept the name and abandoned the model cause it doesn't fucking work, lol

Fuck pedowood I'm mad at China because I can't go outside. I hope Hollywood crumbles.

I think you just don't know what communist means.

Amen brother

>Chinks are commies in name only.
Why would the subversion methods of the party have changed?
They just reorganized their economy a little. A little because they still have de facto centralized control. They haven't really liberalized it.
>They are just a very stable one party dictatorship.
>very stable
As long as they retain access to western markets and get foreign investments because of it.
China has never been stable.

kek, I remember a Russian visa overstayer was caught shoplifting from my local Dollar Tree
Don't know if they deported her

Well, the chinks do have a free market economy, yet they call themselves communist

What's with all the pro-China shilling going on lately on this site?

>I think you just don't know what communist means.
It means a stateless and classless society where workers own the means of production. China is a dictatorship

Does this mean we're gonna get more cute asian girls in western film instead of these ugly white roasties?

Attached: 8a89031663f53e9fe86732dca34bbdfc.jpg (540x800, 60.5K)

Agreed, but they wouldn't be so economically successful had they kept with a pure communist model, so it could be simplified to "communist in name only"

kek didn't see that coming

Decades of pro-Chinese propaganda in academia and the media.
It really looks like the relationship between China and the US is collapsing though so none of this will matter soon and it'll be fun to watch.

Lol I can’t believe China is going to kill more people than the nazis supposedly did, and nobody is going to say anything about it because it’s rude to call it the Chinese flu lol

>what communist means
A. I live in a former soviet block country
B. Not even commies know that since the iedology is retarded and doesn't work. Doesn't stop them from enacting purges for "not being commie enough"

>Why would the subversion methods of the party have changed?
Because chinese commies are not Russian commies. Chinks don't hope to export chink communism all around the world. They are content having it at home where there are 1 billion chinks already and just bullying other countries to respect China.

They do it at my parent's garden center. I don't even have much of an opinion on the russians, but for some reason, people would try to take 2 plants and jam them in one pot in a sad attempt to get a bogo deal. My mom would just charge them for both (because it's fucking obvious) and then they would fucking ARGUE with her about it. ALL of them were russian, no exception, all different customers. I don't get it. Their country must be a true shit show

dunno chaim what's up with you?

>You know they're going to stop putting blacks and browns in everything, right?
Yeah, they're going to have chinks with pretty white women instead. What? You think they forgot all of your tiny dick jokes?

Attached: Alexandra Daddario tummy.webm (640x800, 3M)

Chinks have no problem putting white men in their movies. For example, that Matt Damon Great Wall movie which made all the white liberals seethe despite Damon being handpicked by the Chinese director.