Who is Yas Forums's favourite Korean actress?

Who is Yas Forums's favourite Korean actress?

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For me, it's Jeong Yun-hui

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Good choice


What film?

my mistress

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Do mixed count? I'll post anyway.

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>Reverse image search


the handmaiden

sympathy for mr vengeance

>is so popular/famous she gets kidnapped by Kim Jung Il with her director husband
>is forced to make 17 movies by Kim Jung Il
>her and her husband escape from North Korea
>the escape ends with a car chase through the streets of Vienna

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Kino AF.

dat trollface tho, the absolute meme maiden

I liked the lead in Kingdom. Pretty sure that was Korean.

Super cute in that movie.

That qt3.14 from Parasite

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are they related?

why do modern gooks all have this soulless insect look?

this post reeks of tranny

What's her name OP?

Bro she's objectively not pretty. You can't just call anyone who thinks an ugly gook is ugly a tranny.

shes objectively pretty you mean. Ya might have caught the gay sonny.

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Is that your best cope?

Doubt it but a good casting

Left hand of gay man and right hand of seething roastie typed this post

park bom

Are all you trannycoping gooksimps ESLs?

I could post any picture of a bug actress and you couldn't tell who unless I gave a name.

I loved her in pic related
then she did that terrible trash show in a hotel and it was shameful

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Its IU

I hated this cuck show. Literally forgives his wife for cheating with his boss. Are koreans really like this?

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the documentary about their kidnap/hostage/escape from North Korea on Netflix called The Lovers and the Despot is pretty kino

t. self-hating hapa, just chill and go buy another overpriced t shirt, faggot that'll calm ya down

she looks naturally beautiful unless the plastic surgery that basically all South Korean women get is some of the best i've seen. also her personality in the movie makes her hotter than just her looks.

My wife was great in this Netflix kino

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The jig's up

Get a load of this guy.