Is this Kino

Is this Kino.

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the first 2 are comedy kino, the rest are Disaster Movie Tier

3 was great you faggot fuck

The gay jokes and penis jokes get really old really fast, funny in parts but mostly groan-inducing. 3 and 4 are much better than the first two


It's like they didn't understand Scream was already a parody franchise

It's pretty good.

2 is better than 1


All other opinions are wrong

>rip-off of Scream (which was already a horror-comedy), half the jokes didn't land and it did nothing original
>comedy genius
>also hilarious, bit more slapstick but brilliant
>underrated and nearly as good as 2 and 3
>had its moments but really hit-or-miss, with most of the jokes not landing

It was funny but didn't think it was kino at the time, and then I saw Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th a week later and realised that beggars can't be choosers.

It is underrated with a lot of subtle jokes but 3 is the best with lots of clever jokes or funny scenarios such as the drive by painting scene. I tried rewatching 2 it was the first time in over a year and remembering I liked it better then I thought I would...then I realized it was indeed shit.

Epic Movie wasn't as terrible as everyone said even if it was mostly cringe

3 is one of the best comedies of all time, you absolute retard

I saw 3 as a kid and then The Grudge years later. I couldn't take the grudge seriously at all

I dunno bro, whichever one had Eddie Griffen as Mopheus was by far the best

>drive by painting scene
That was fucking hilarious
I watched the first 4, I miss how much movies made me laugh when I was young and happy. I've since rewatched the first three and they still hold for me, dunno if it's nostalgia goggles.

based. 3 was alright though

I wanted to see more of Tom Ryan (the Tom Cruise ripoff). I really liked his character. The knife gun car standoff was slapstick gold.

When I was young I really found this funny.

>it's a boy, he's going to be an asshole

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so americans like 3 and the rest of the world likes 1/2

it is funny

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don't call me "dude". i'm not a stoner anymore. not since...

Garbage movie but this always makes me laugh

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everything the wayans brothers make is funny

even their worst flicks have more laughs than anything jude apatow has made in the last decade

100% KINO

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Why don't zoomers like spoof movies? They all pretend to like Airplane

>two and a half minutes intro

I had such a crush on Anna Faris in the first two Scary Movies

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