What would be your Hogwarts house? For me it's Slytherin – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

What would be your Hogwarts house? For me it's Slytherin – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

Attached: Slytherin_ClearBG.png (360x360, 153.32K)

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Hufflepuff. If you hurt my friends, I will NOT hesitate to put you in St. Mungos. That's not a threat, that's a promise.

Slytherin is the incel house

For me it’s Ravenclaw. And yes, my IQ is 128 if you need to ask.

For me it's the orgy house.

Attached: Hufflepuff_ClearBG.png (877x972, 745.18K)


other houses can go get themselves killed doing crazy shit. Imma just chill with my laid back bros.

I wouldn't know, because I don't read awful children's books or watch even worse children's movies.

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I try to think critically as much as i can, and am open to changes of opinion with a well thought out argument. Im the type guy that listens to debates and analyzes them

Slytherin as I'm an ambitious racist that hates the mudbloods investing our nation and destroying our culture and race. Hufflepuff is the house for neets, stoners and slutty party girls. Ravenclaw are the sheep who believe everything written down by 'an authority' and gryffindor is the house for some chads, but is mainly the house of the mudburners and drillers.

Honestly I don't care, just like I didn't care what house I was put in in high school. It's just a way to divide up and easily coordinate classes.

you sound like a hufflehomo

>with a wicked sense of humor.

You meme this but Malfoy is legit hilarious in the first 4 movies.

Gryff = tryhards
Slyth = assholes
Raven = nerds

Hufflepuff is Chad and best house. Honeybadger don't care. Honeybadger don't af.

any hole is a goal my bro.

>Hufflepuff is the house for neets, stoners and slutty party girls.
Sounds pretty based desu

deatheater, fuck the ministry of magic

I always get put in Slytherin. Maybe if they didn’t want me to do dark magic, they should stop making it seem so cool!

>all the evil wizards in the whole world came from this house

How can people still defend these shitty books?

Did the Pottermore quiz and I got 96% Gryffindor, but I also got 94% Hufflepuff. So I guess I'd Chad it up being a main character, then whenever shit wasn't popping off is go and chill with my cousin's in The Huff and Puff common room.

Slam some Badger mounds.
Get my wand away.
Indulge in my herbology habit.

And then fucking go hex some Slytherincels with my muddas.

enjoy having to spend your time with arrogant pricks, autismos and weirdos in general

I would make a fifth house that only the most BASED wizards are allowed in

All normies I know calls me slytherin if they’re talking about HP

Personally I’d probably go with Ravenclaw for weirdo girls, Emos and Stacie’s don’t interest me

Unironically Slytherin. I advocate ignoring stupid little rules for personal benefit.

Idk cuz Harry Potter is gay

But in the same vein think it’s interesting how badly u wanted to be a Jedi as a kid, until u realized even if they were real I’d have no chance and at best I’d be a Sith

Same here. Magic has way too much wasted potential in the hands of all those retards. Fucking magic and they use it for shit like flying brooms.

Hufflepuff is the most based.
>ywn help prof Sprout with her weed harvest in the comfy Hogwarts greenhouses
>ywn toke up with Cedric afterwards and talk about random shit
>ywn suck his dick but it's cool cause you both said no homo

Slytherin because it has the best colours, griffindor is worthless without the protagonist
The other 2 are background extras they don't matter

Slytherin but I'd ask to be put in hufflepuff

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why yes i do post on Yas Forums
