What's the name of this dress?

What's the name of this dress?

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the dickriser

well it's not fucking latex i can tell you that

The 45 year old on carribian vacation.

This one was better

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What kind of faggot names a dress?

>in the raw cut everything was visible multiple leaks said
>some matte brush painter got to paint out her bush frame by frame for months.

as an uncultured child i agreed, but alas i am much wiser a cumbrain

I was only mending of course

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Bellucci is ugly
any wop is actually

Incredibly gay

Imagine how bad these tits must look when unleashed.

Attached: ecelebs.png (2260x3576, 744.99K)

is dat bush?

Attached: 593.png (657x527, 159.64K)

Mommy Wrapper

It is. Never noticed it before.

Oh great, another monica belucci dream.

It is latex

its clearly a string triangle, coomer incels

you will never be the one. you just failed the building leap.

pretty sure it was her bush. There was a bit of controversy about it back in the day.

See here

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>Do you think my being coomer has anything to do with her bush in this place?


don't you feel shame?

is that a hint of pubic hair that I see?

Attached: pubes.png (474x385, 342.05K)

>pretty sure it was her bush
you speaking from experience, user?

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I was her pusy slave for a while

Why are you lying? I remember when this movie came out, literally the first time I'm reading any comments about that bush is here and now, there was no "controversy"

BASED pusy poster

no, I have a vagina. You just pick up these things. even if you are ugly and have never taken pride in your appearance,

You CANNOT pick up things with your vagina. Prove it.

that was actually a reply meant for another thread.

Here is your (You)

peplum dresse

Designer. Go to the credits and look for wardrobe.

Attached: REACTION_BOGMATRIX.jpg (400x400, 50.9K)

The italian whore.

Attached: she.webm (1280x532, 1.14M)