This girl is coming over in 15 minutes

>this girl is coming over in 15 minutes
what film do you put on?

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Bad taste

Sausage Party

Big Trouble in Little China

Any film about massacring insects would be appropriate. So maybe Starship Troopers.

liveleak cartel executions

south korean drama

freddy got fingered


Death of Stalin

B R I C K face

asian octopus pissing porn

we can just watch old episodes of mash.


The Interview

>north korea has bodyguard clones
what else are they hiding from us?

Make her eat all the eggs


Based beyond belief

Team America

the only non shit answer

those guards... it's like kim watched a spy movie and decided to find the strongest jawed ricemen in his country and put them in suits


Just pop it in, and see where it goes from there...

This. I bet she’d get off on the power and end up using her country’s resources to try to recreate it

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I'm a gambling man

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Either Only God Forgives to communicate that I will provide no obstacle because fighting means my sure death. Or, season 1 of uncle grandpa if I want to throw my life away while laughing at their disgust.

The Room should get her to crack a smile.

Imagine. Especially with this whole current role-reversal thing going on everywhere now, I personally would love to be Fuhrer Kim Yo's Eva Braun.

When life gives you lemons man..

Citizen Kane

What an ugly bitch

>what film do you put on?
depends if the bodyguards are in the room ;)

Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom

she'd squeeze every last droplet of coom out of you

Pulgasari but she's probably already seen it.

probably airplane or kung pow
i just like those movies


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jackass 2

My God, that bodyguard behind her. Now there's a jawline you could set your watch to.

Crash landing on you

are those 3 her boytoys?


Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru

Man Bites Dog got me laid once.

Simpsons s11e05

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that is a cooking show over there.

Over where exactly?

where eyes slant they eat dogs and punch with their feet.

You guys get thirsty for the weirdest shit.


Judging from that picture The Man in Black trilogy