What are your favourite films about baking?

What are your favourite films about baking?

Attached: bakery.webm (700x392, 2.86M)

>our refugee

is this parody?

You know how you have foster care for children? Same thing for refugees. You feed them, clothe them, and teach them the language so they can easily incorporate themselves into society.

Most couples who do this don't have children. Or they have a single child that they can't raise since they both go to work.


Think it is supposed to be a comedy with the husband being racist and not pc

I hate Germany

That's switzerland btw

Attached: contemplating_swiss.png (464x450, 58.87K)

do euros really?

europeans volunteer to adopt nonwhite foreigners and provide them room and board. many such cases

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Yes, no refugee on wellfare would be able to survive in expensive as fuck switzerland

>He doesn't have his own brown pet

absolutely haunting image

Based bro

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What movie/show?

What do these people think will happen to them when they become the minorities in their own countries? A multiracial utopia?

Every time, they literally can't help but imply black dick going into white pussy, and never miss an opportunity to portray it as good and welcome.

some think that. others believe whites "deserve" to be replaced, as punishment for alleged historical wrongdoings

This is not a white girl.

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Grand Hotel Budapest

that cat is suicidal

Oh boy another Yas Forumsbait thread masquerading as a film recommendation thread, haven't had those in a while.

>having a shitskin manning the register

why volunteer to fund a invader?

those are self hating traitors. we dindu nuffin.

Close enough.

Bro that’s a Turk

upper class whites are the true enemy

that's average "german cinema" for you
>wife had a little escapade with a black man, but got pregnant in process! They must remain optimistic!

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Small reminder that Germans are required to pay 17.50€ / month to fund this kind of television productions or they will face prison in the worst case.

they are called jews.

It's european reality in 2020

other races are worse both historically and presently by every metric.

Where is the scene where the refugee goes on a fit of rage, kills the husband then proceeds to mutilate and rape the wife?

Preaching to the choir retard

Europe? More like Cuckoldville

>"our refugee"
>literally acting like he's her pet
What the fuck is wrong with these "people"?

Holy shit it's actually real.
"Annie - kopfüber ins Leben"

Middle aged german woman goes on holiday, gets fucked by black dude, comes back pregnant, husband "can't cope", black dude moves into house.
Literally a cuckold porn plot is payed for by German taxpayers.

white guilt mentality and virtue signaling

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>Literally a cuckold porn plot is payed for by German taxpayers.

Yas Forums is always and will always be correct.