I don't get it. What's the moral of the story? It's not much of a polemic against 'small-town intolerance...

I don't get it. What's the moral of the story? It's not much of a polemic against 'small-town intolerance,' since the hippies actually WERE drug-smuggling scumbag reprobates. So... what's the message here?

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Its really just about degeneracy

It was to show that faggots from Commieformia lived inside a bubble and thought that their particular brand of degeneracy was everywhere. Only to realise too late that most of the normal world wouldn't tolerate their shit. Reminds me of the 2016 election desu.

not every movie has to have social commentary

The movie is litterly all social commentary dumbfuck

What's the social commentary of taking acid with some whores in New Orleans and desecrating an old cemetery?

hedonism leads to death

born to be wild

To explain why Nixon won in 68’: Very few people were actually hippies despite their cultural influence, and by the end of the decade people had kind of gotten tired of all that flower power stuff. Sure counterculture had changed culture, but eventually it was subsumed and just became regular old culture.

This, there is no actual social commentary, the movie was only concerned with capturing the spirit of the 60s

Jack Nicholson is the 50% of us caught between the lunatic fringes of liberals and conservatives

this movie perfectly illustrates the shallow depth of the baby boomer generation. Boomers were put into a mental time capsule in the 60's where they have remained ever since

My favorite american cinema trope to be honest.
The best illustration being Nocturnal animal

The people they meet in the little town didn't vote for Nixon

>Get your motor running

>since the hippies actually WERE drug-smuggling scumbag reprobates

And I guess that makes it okay to attack and kill them?

Not him,but Yes

>And I guess that makes it okay to attack and kill them?

Attached: Magic_8_Ball_-_Instrument_Of_Evil__(2426454804)[1].jpg (1139x833, 254K)

Even though it has nothing to do with why they were actually being attacked? That's pretty sick moral values you have. It's like saying bashing your skull is OK because you frequent this website.

Sometimes you can just tell a book by it's cover.

They were correctly identified by the social 'immune system' of that small town as dangerous outside pathogens. They were successfully shotgunned/macrophaged before inflicting damage to the host.

>bashing your skull is OK because you frequent this website
Yes, everyone here should have their skull bashed in.

Keep your ugly fucking goldbricking ass out of my beach community.

And Jack Nicholson deserved to die, why exactly? Because he happened to hitch a ride with a pair of bikers?

The ACLU lawyer?
Why yes.
Birds of a feather flock together.


The moral of the story is being a rebel is cool but has dangers. Some men were born to be wild

>what's the message here
Does there have to be one?

Or in other words, ride with an outlaw, die with an outlaw. It's the nature of the trade. Sometimes you turn the trick, and sometimes the trick turns you.

>It's like saying bashing your skull is OK because you frequent this website.
I would not be afraid to say it

After you, fren.