Oh shit

Oh shit

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I read the story on wikipedia and it sounds like a really shitty movie. I bet it only won because of muh diversity. Everyone I know who watched it also thought it sucked.

This better be real. When I come back from checking you're going to be in for quite the butt whooping if it's not there i tell you what

What's your opinion on the Nostalgia Critic's look? Would you change how he wears, for example?

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I'm back, OP is a lying faggot who needs to play yo yo with his neck from a door frame

These aren't funny fuck off faggot

There's no muh diversity about an all-korean cast.

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>All Koreans
You're a stupid faggot who shouldn't talk about things he hasn't experienced thinking he has any right to have an opinion on a movie because he read a fucking Wikipedia article

Also when is a movie not made by white americans winning anything going to not count as "diversity" points with you faggots.

>we got jobs working as servants woah epic scam!!!

It is a shit movie, just like all other korean media.

Yes, it's a mainstream market catered towards whites. That's where a Korean film becomes diverse.

Yas Forums has gotten to you too hard, incel

It's a good movie, I don't know how anyone could say it sucked

>>we got jobs working as servants woah epic scam!!!
So you admit you didn't watch the movie?


Just kys.

lel that's literally what the plot was. Imagine being retarded enough to think that working as a servant makes you le ebin scammer.

What, did you think that butler in wolf of wall street was an epic scammer too, because he had a gay orgy in his employer's apartment?

You're an idiot. If you actually saw the movie you'd see how getting paid as "servants" was extremely beneficial to them.

They are scammers because none of them are qualified for the work they got hired to, and they lie and manipulate their way into their home. They then proceed to leech the household by eating their food and drinking their drinks.
They're scammer parasites.

>I read the story on wikipedia

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You read a summary for a movie then decided it sucks. It's a movie not a book or a short story. If this is bait then bravo, you're great at "pretending" to be retarded.

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>Read the story on Wikipedia

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>Everyone I know
so your dumb as shit obese whitetrash mom, and that's about it

form an opinion with your own brain at least once in your life you stupid fucking sheep

>: FB_IMG_1574684940085.jpg

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>Oh no, he got a picture from Facebook, he goes outside too!
Kill yourself basement dweller

I get the themes of class/classism but What's up with the big rock thing?

>stay a while and listen

its a good movie to be sure, just not a great one




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Nosferatu remake?

Is it one of those reviews where he "recreates" the movie via sketches with his retarded actors in an attempt to bring back Demo Reel in the form of NC?

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True. Why would anyone watch it second time?

Unironically what's so bad about this?

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Yes, but also because if he uses too much footage from the movie youtube takes his ad money