So why was it okay for Data to not explain his plan but not okay for Admiral Holdo? I'm not even memeing and I hate TLJ...

So why was it okay for Data to not explain his plan but not okay for Admiral Holdo? I'm not even memeing and I hate TLJ, but this episode of TNG makes no sense and his First Officer did nothing wrong by questioning him.

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There was no time.

You really just desperately want to force society to accept cunty, capricioius women bossing around men without needing to earn their respect, dont you? That sort of power really motivates you to find counter-examples to confront the resisters with, doesnt it?

My instantaneous recall of TNG plots has faded with age.

What was Data's plan?

Also, Holdo's plan was bad because her character was awful and nothing about it or her is set up in the narrative. There were no set-ups for the payoff and no red-herrings or misdirections. Her plan was known only to her and Poe, being the audience stand-in, it isn't satisfying.

That wording got awkward at the end. I mean to say, her plan was known only to her. Poe, being the audience stand-in, is unfulfilled by its revelation.

no I just always felt bad for the First Officer, he's right, Data was an inhuman cunt who didn't value human life and should never have been given a ship, fuck robots

His first officer gave him a shitty attitude throughout, he didn't have time to start another argument and in that moment, he had to act or the opportunity would pass. He also ignored Picard's orders and told him to standby.

This happened with Worf in an episode in the later seasons too, when Worf gives him some shit.

The Romulans are trying to smuggle weapons into Klingon space to help the civil war go to House Duras. Picard sets up a fleet to sensor sweep for cloaked ships. Romulans counter it. Picard decides to redeploy and start again. Data decides to scan the area and fire torpedoes with huge burst areas into the area flooded with tachyons. Romulans are there. Data was right, but he didn't have a lot of time to argue.

Sounds like Data was fully functional.

Data is an android, you retarded piece of shit

Where were you when Yas Forums irrevocably and with absolute finality got BTFO'd?

Did you miss that the whole message behind that part of the episode was "You should not follow orders blindly" as Data himself was disobeying Picard?

t. Zhat Vash

Because Holdo was poorly written and poorly acted. She could have simply got a droid to lightspeed the ship, her plan was the equivalent of putting a brick on the accelerator except she had to die to fulfil the idiotic narrative. Anakin does something similar in TCW by using a ship as a battering ram against a blockade and endangering himself, but this is redeemable because its well written and Anakin is likeable. I don't know about TNG I haven't watched past season 2.

Bringing up "like-ability" is counter-productive, although I would agree that understanding/accepting that charisma is a thing and that it matters is crucial to getting along in life. Double standards exist because of it and that's just life. You can't tell women and shills this, though. Women are hard-wired to pretend to like things and be interested in order to bond and ingratiate themselves. They fake a huge portion of their personalities and will go to great lengths, including becoming near experts in subjects, not for innate curiosity or because their talents imply it, but to bond/support a significant other. Consequently, they will seethe in resentment that males just seem to refuse to pretend that all these female heroes aren't great. From their point of view, we're assholes for not pretending to like Holdo (and all the rest of the strong, stunning, brave women on screen). It's so easy for them to do.

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What you're saying is that feminazis are justified in liking Holdo's action and disliking Anakin's because they like Holdo better.
Good job, moron.

Are you implying that the writing around the Holdo subplot was sound and we just hate her because she's female? get fucked you retard

He was establishing his leadership and rank. First officer was asshole so data became strict and took charge situation. He just used different method of leadership to prove himself and earn respect of his crew.

I'm implying we can and do let a lot of shit pass that we otherwise might not because charisma as stat exists. Eat shit you autistic retard.

Data always copied picard when it came to be leader. Espesily if going got tough.

Both were wrong, it is not a first officers place to openly question the captain in front of the crew, it is agreed that should be done in private. 2 wrongs don't make a right. You have a kind of a valid point but I hate Holdo so no

yeah and I'm sure you're a 6'3 gigachad Henry Cavill looking motherfucker, that's why you're posting on Yas Forums at 2 in the morning on a weekday

lmao gargle my semen you larping little faggot

>Data didn't value human life
>Almost sacrifices himself to save Q in human form
>Gets his head blown off in the past in some dingy mine to save Mark Twain
>Succeeds in sacrificing himself to save Picard (lol Nemesis)

Number 1 please

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Are you drunk? Literally what are you babbling about? I don't have to be a gigachad to point out that charisma matters. Holdo was shit writing. But Holdo was also a character with very little charisma for the audience. These two things can and did exist. I dont' have to be "gigachad" to point it out. You're really bad at sussing out >implications

More to point, the willing suspension of disbelief is a thing. You can like something and then realize you dont and then find a million other things you don't like about it, but were ignoring up until that point. In other words, had Holdo not been a charisma-vacuum and shill and unappealing (as well as the movie being full of countless other such things), the *logic* of her decision might never have been questioned and the soundness of the writing may never have come up.

>never heard of shift work
>never heard of rotations
>never heard of professionals laid off or just plain shitcanned due to pandemic
Hello, McDonald's fry cook. Is your job more or less stressful with only drive-thru orders going on?

reminder that if this scene were made today there would have been a snappy quip from Data and the "arm pull" gesture would have been perfectly synchronized between them.

Because Holdo's 'Run away in a big group and let all our ships get picked off one by one, and only then hyperram with the last ship' is retarded and she would have been pushed out an airlock for suggesting it.

Aliens advanced enough to build a seemingly indestructable casino based on a book they found didn't stop and think "Hey why don't we just take him back to his own planet?". No, trap him forever with these weird ass duplicates, that's probably what he'd want.

lmao, another burger

stop getting mad at replies on 4channel

Anton Yelchin and John Cho and Q's son and Wesley Crusher and Icheb are relentlessly handsome.

>it is not a first officers place to openly question the captain in front of the crew, it is agreed that should be done in private
The first officer also wasn't a war hero who single handedly nuked a Romulan death star, and Data was already established as being famous for his advanced capabilities not just in the Federation but among Klingons and Romulans as well.

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Was Data's plan to literally kill herself and sacrifice the only capital ship the Resistance owned for a one-in-a-million shot at maybe sort of damaging the one ship that happened to be following them at the time?

>data had no time to explain the plan
>if he told the plan over subspace then the romulans could've picked up on it
>the only reason the guy didn't trust him was because of racism

Boom, say what you will about the similarities at least data had a plan, Holdo didn't have a plan and had no reason to not tell the last survivors of the resistance beyond needing the plot to happen. Of course you could point to it as EXTREMELY redpilled because the thrust of the narrative is how women let us all down but face no consequences and the the bulk of people died because an incompetent woman wanted to feel powerful