Which other Ken Burns documentaries do you like? My favourite is "Vietnam".
Which other Ken Burns documentaries do you like? My favourite is "Vietnam"
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>viet cong is the name of partisans
>character's name is Le Quan Cong
Writer's got lazy that arc.
The most based man to have ever made Yas Forums seethe
He's probably chuckling right now about killing ameritards.
this man is so based
Le Quan Cong vibes
the civil war is kino to fall asleep to
What do you think Vietnam feels about this?
Thanking God that TB vaccine American occupied Asia uses worked out well 40 years later
Based Viets beating the Japs, French, Amerilards, Chinese, and then COVID-19
Oh yeah, and the Khmer Rouge too. And, for that matter, also other Viets.
Based image based dubs.
the numbers are all bullshit
The Civil War one is gold
m...muh k:d ratio!
Vietnam has a very favorable view of America these days
Civil war with shelby foot
When I think about America
Trump finally made good on one of his campaign promises.
chinks are worse than burgers
based charlie
Vietnam, the Civil War, and Prohibition. The War was garbage-tier. And I don’t like any of the “presenters by” ones either. The West, or Baseball, or Jazz IIRC. None of them as good as his best 3
Which episode is this in?
Viet Nam is probably the best for the amount of real footage it has from the real event and the people. But my personal favorite is the civil war one, if only we had more than letters and a few pictures from it. Seeing the real battles and to watch those men from a different era give their accounts live would have been incredible
based gook. Fuck ameriniggers
He was the entire Viet Cong
I kekked
I liked Vietnam the most
I tried watching the WW2 one but the bbc 1970s one is waaaay better imo
As a european the WW2 one was too focused on america.
>Vietnam-USA relations are better than ever and neither side holds any grudge
>euromuslims can't handle this and constantly try to start shit