Why yes I dissect retarded capeshit manchild movies for hours hours and hours but even discussing taxi driver for more...

Why yes I dissect retarded capeshit manchild movies for hours hours and hours but even discussing taxi driver for more than 20 minutes hurts

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taxi driver has been discussed to death to the point that it is more misinterpreted than most movies of equal or better standing

How the fuck do you misinterpret Taxi Driver?

Wow no way me too I babble on and on and on about capeshit and how epic it is for quite frankly years but discussing other action movies let alone comedies or dramas hurts my soul

It huuuuuuuts to talk about Taxi Driver because his audience doesn't care about Taxi Driver. It's done and dead. Nothing more needs to be said. The current franchises and IPs today *could* be better. So, it's conceivably worth discussing.

He doesn't even do that anymore, he just spends all his time on 8 hour streams with his furry friends laughing at other spergs like he's any better.

Does he even make "reviews" anymore or just his faggoty podcast?

Actual manchildren retards

they're entertaining though. also he does this once a week

>zoomers actually listen to his ten hour podcasts(in their entirety) where he and his furfaggot friend reiterate the same points about about starshit and capeshit
How does not get tired of wasting multiple hours talking about kids flicks? It’s not just him, it’s all of these pop culture YouTube shitters. They’re obsessed with talking about these movies

You are on the wrong board, sir. Here only maybe one out of twenty people has ever seen Taxi Driver. This board is for posting waifus, complaining about being too cowardly to get laid, and arguing about Yas Forums-lite topics.

Genre fiction "evolving" is a given. The only people who dont are the actual boomers who have aged-out no matter what and just want to die with their memories. Mocking everyone as "manchildren" is a defacto boomer position.

The question is if they will evolve towards more sophistication and verisimilitude (the autist position) or if they'll evolve toward to more social and political commentary with dumbed-down general audience appeal (the prevailing shitty industry position). Literally no one wants them to be for manchildren.

>Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves.

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Seems like just the podcast. He and Rags are legit very good despite Rags at least most likely being an insufferable furry faggot. It's unfortunate. Mauler is also quite good with interviews and having guests, which almost none of these Fandom Menace faggots are, except for perhaps Andre from ME.

They mock the hell out of the self-serious "critics" on YouTube. Hopefully, the maintain that position and dont start taking themselves seriously. They're more audience advocates than anything, assuming the audience are autists obsessed with internal consistency and logic and vastly devalue the emotional resonance.

>legit very good
more like meandering boring pause at everything and go off pointless tangent
rags is a retard, mauler is slow and their guest vary in quality
better off watching the great british podcast

very good broadcasters can and do meander. I didn't say it was perfect. I said the dudes very good. He is and should keep at it.

I hope you're joking, otherwise if you really believe this it's just sad

Did you really just post this response? I mean, I can't even. I'm trying to even but I can't. I. just. can't. Yeah. I mean. Yeah.

At what point did we evolve past simple stories for kids that are well directed enough adults can enjoy them too?

Define "enjoyment". A big reason why we have all the quips and comedic beats is to essentially throw a bone to people who may be watching but would rather not be (let's be honest: typically females). It's also demoralizing and disillusioning to the actual fans. As if the work in question is telling you "this sucks, right? you guys get that this thing you love sucks."

That said, "simple stories" aren't necessarily for kids and while I'd agree that most capeshit legit is for children and young teens, some of it isn't necessarily: Batman for instance. Whatever is done, I don't think it has to be done at the expense of the characters or the world, though. That's the whole point. So much of what we're being given is meant to undermine the content and that WAS NEVER the case... even when it was assumed the audience was exclusively children. It was still done sincerely and with love and care.

Even though Mauler knows fuck all about Star Trek, Trek is a good example of something that can and is FOR CHILDREN that can simultaneously be enjoyed by adults without being infantilized and yet has been massively undercut and subverted by the usual suspects for reasons that can only be given as abject malicious intent. Everyone wants to point to capeshit, but the truth is a lot of people want to ruin genre fiction for adults and the "its for kids" meme is just an excuse.

Lot of people do. Product of different time.

All of that absurd shit you typed when just calling that guy a faggot would've gotten the point across

>just calling that guy a faggot
Please. There's enough of that already.

Fuck. I broke my cool, didn't I?

YouTube movie critics are the worst. So I'm happy once that somebody is calling them out in their own format. it generates endless amount of salt. So that's good.

Also rent free much op.

Emotional resonance comes from internal consistency though.

fucking kek

Anyone who dissects any movie is a fag honestly

Yeah. I mean. People should just call themselves fag back and forth. That's basically what non-fags would do.

Autism. Also that's what pays Bill's. All those youtubers and streamers are just prostitutes. They do what ever get them clicks.

Exactly this guy gets it

Also sucking cock is what makes you non-fag. Becouse that is what womans do.