What are the best movies about Disclosure?
What are the best movies about Disclosure?
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UFO? more like u FO from my planet ayyniggers
*Blargon Ray's your path*
this video was already released oover a year ago
yes, but now it has been made official by the Pentagon
kinos for this feel?
but who will play the new york times in the inevitable biopic?
No you dumbass, the videos were leaked. The Navy admitted the videos were real but it wasn't officially declasified by a government agency.
Why is so hard for people to understand the difference between formally and informally?
dude like... woah
>aliens exist! Look at the size of space. Probability dictates that there's no way we're the only intelligent life
what "numbers" are you using to determine you "probability" faggot
>tfw the ayys are floating around and no one can do jack about it
All of them. It's the fucking universe.
>video leaks from 2006
>everyone cheers for disclosure
>pentagon confirms the video is real in 2017
>everyone cheers for disclosure
>pentagon confirms the video is real again in 2020
>everyone cheers for disclosure
see you again in a few years
The universe is basically infinite. Are you arrogant enough to think life only happened on one planet? Top kek, you Christfags never cease to make me laugh.
you can't just say there's a chance of aliens when there's literally no percentages we can go off of.
Maybe there are aliens, but you can't argue that just because space is big that there are some.
>Are you arrogant enough to think life only happened on one planet?
Yes, we're the Chad planet
Reminder that anyone who believes in aliens is a literal cuck to the human species and the entire planet
OP did you just watch the ordinarygamer's new video today? That video has been around since 2015. Whats the rock that live under like?
>tfw no one gives a shit about this because of Corona and Trump
>thinking everyone knows about your literally who e-celebs
kill yourself
It's back in the news today, see
formally chuck's
yes you can, we know the ingredients for life and what circumstances promote the development of the complex chemistry that leads to life. By knowing this and extrapolating from the dataset we have through our ability to observe nearby planets and planets in other solar systems we can say that the probability of life having occured in other planets is very, very high.
Was Bob Lazar telling the truth?
I went down the skeptic rabbit hole and stopped believing him but still want to.
[fedora tipping intensifies]
Fuck, I walked right into that one.
I've seen the news play that video last and this year maybe around 10 times.
Seems like they just keep showing it as an excuse for other channels to keep broadcasting their shitty ufo caught on tape shows.
we've never created living organisms in a lab out of nonliving matter (yet). There's again no data to say there's odds of aliens.
bob laser haha
Drake Equation is purely based on speculation because there is no hard data
1. We've never actually recreated the emergence of life
2. We've never actually detected extraterrestrial life
>I went down the skeptic rabbit hole and stopped believing him
What changed your mind?
>blue beam shooting into the sky
god i hate this trope
no it's distraction from 5G which causes pedophilia
>no webms
>Bob bought and ran a couple brothels and was eventually charged under 'pandering.'
>He was asked in a Q&A to name a professor he had at MIT or Caltech and named professor from the community college he went to
>he didn't "work" for Los Alamos as a physicist but as a contract worker, signified by the designation by his name when it was found in a directory
>his bankruptcy record places him far away from Michigan during the time he claimed to be at MIT
>his first wife died under mysterious circumstances.
Thread theme:
if only mulder could see this
Imagine believing in a giant magic man who created everything and he sent his son, who was also him, to die for our sins.
But big tiddy blue chicks on a planet in another part of the universe is just unbelievable.
I'm not arguing creationism. I'm just saying it's dumb to say that the odds are that aliens exist. It's not how math works
>The universe is basically infinite
But it's not. Infinity is incomprehensibly large, while the universe has a beginning, middle, and a theoretical end. Plus the majority of mass in each galaxy is in a high radiation zone. I don't know what numbers you think you're referring to but just because of radiation alone, most star systems are incapable of forming life.
>CIA involved in Hollywood
And dropped
>Implying Jew record producers and execs have needed to work with any of those people in like 60 years
But, hey. It keeps you boomers pacified
Fair enough I suppose. It's just that I've met and had conversations with religious people who find the idea of alien life on other planets to be unbelievable but then turn around and worship their God.
reminder that its just a fighter jet.
there's nothing wrong in believing that God can exist and do shit that science can't normally do
UFOs are just the Navy spooks way of saying "look over here." Pretty much every sighting attributable to the UFO phenomena occurred during the Cold War. Not a coincidence UFO sightings peaked and dipped depending on the tensions of the day. Mostly just now known experimental aircraft that navy couldn't hide so went "lol idk what that is maybe aliums???"
As this poster illustrates so perfectly ayy lmaos are just modern space fillers for religious faith
We're dangerously close to tipping faster than light