
Cool VOY Boy Edition


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I'm on vortex of ds9 and Odo and Quark's dynamic is great in this series already.

Why do you insist on making these insufferably lame new threads? Why can't you just make a normal Star Trek -themed one without having to push lame homo-erotic "cute" bullshit or waifu shit into everything?

Mulgrew's V-boys at a get together

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>M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E

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Get a job, /trek/

Harry and Tom have a podcast launching. So, soon they'll be doing weekly reunions.

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Sounds like the Trek version of this.

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>ara ara AKOOCHIMOYA-kun

Are they all sharing that one slice of cake? And is Tuvok taking the picture?

>Whoa momma intensifies

But with less production value. Or the Sopranos one with Christopher and Bobby Bacala. There's probably a lot of those types of podcasts out there.

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If we pool together $45 between us all, we can get Nicole deBoer to give /trek/ a shout out. I know /trek/ crowd-funding plans haven't worked out so great in the past. But, I've got a good feeling this time.

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b-b-but it's not NOT with "Tom" and "Harry". They're not in character the whole time, are they? Is this officially sanctioned? When are their C&D letters showing up?

I think we should go for the most expensive and get LeVar.

This would be too hetero and too literal. It would anger the resident tranny/fag too much. You have to find the ugliest/oldest woman in Star Trek and have her do it "ironically". Or get a "cute" male actor to do it.

Tuvok is a trekkie so he wasn't invited.

I'm curious if there is enough audio clips from the series to create deep fake ai voice bots for the characters

I'm here for M'ress.

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how much would I have to pay to get her to sound like she does at the end of the video while I fuck her?

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Supposedly you only need one chapter from an audio book to do it. Looking at Memory-Beta 'Audiobook', pretty much every Trek actor has narrated an audiobook. Takei, Nimoy, de Lancie, Doohan, Kienig, Shatner Russ, Auberjonois, Frakes, Dorn, LeVar, McFadden, Nana, Shimerman, Picardo and Mulgrew. You could voice bot all of them.

>Or get a "cute" male actor to do it.

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Is this the bashirfag you guys talk about so much?

Star Trek: Picard is not actually Star Trek. You're still being "ironic".

you're only late to that by several years

>commodore Matt Decker and this is 'fly a shuttlecraft into the mouth of a doomsday machine' prank.
*Jackass guitar*

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Tom Paris and Harry Kim were relentlessly handsome.

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