I've never told this to anyone before...

I've never told this to anyone before, but cliffhangers are a lazy narrative crutch and have no place in modern storytelling

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Depends on the cliffhanger. Season ends on a cliffhanger as a desperate attempt to not cancel the series? Yeah. Fuck off. But they're fine in a serial story that has X amount of episodes guaranteed after it.

But user, aren't you forgetting one very important thing? TO BE CONTINUED...

It keeps retards wanting the next dose of mediocrity pretty well.

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>No place in modern storytelling
>In modern day which is all about churning out sequels and creating franchises
I agree with you, but you're wrong

This I remember watching prison break and every week it was this life or death cliffhanger then at the start of the ep it was just mundane shit.

>a lazy narrative crutch
>and have no place

in art you can never dismiss something outright, there are specific reasons cliffhangers are lazy and a skilled artist can harness and wield tools for the lazy and forge them into red hot crucibles

but yes 99% of cliffhangers are pathetic crap, it's why breaking bad is ultimately pleb tier whereas sopranos will live forever as kino

If you’re gonna do a cliffhanger in a show, you’re better off just addressing it immediately in the next episode

another huge crutch is writing with music in mind. not having soundtracks per se, but like "ok this scene happens, then THIS SPECIFIC SONG starts playing". so whole scenes, or whole episodes are written for the song rather than the other way around

Thank you for explaining how cliffhangers work user


Humor me, OP.

What changed in narrative story telling that eliminated the need for Cliffhangers? Why were they necessary before, but unnecessary now?

Cliffhangers are fine if it's a two-parter during the season or something, but it's dumb to end your whole season on a cliffhanger.
It's pretty cool when there's a sequel-bait teaser at the end though, like a bad guy smirking into the camera that doesn't post an immediate threat. That's pretty kino.

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Yes, agreed. I like my ongoing stories to consist of a series of episodes that each wrap up so perfectly there are no unfinished plot threads connecting them. It's lazy otherwise.

>a multi-episode arc is a series of cliffhangers
you're fundamentally wrong
serialized incentives to return to a narrative were necessary when people gathered around radios and demanded your attention. now that media is on demand by the viewer, there is no need to write narratives that way since we decide when to consume the media, the media doesn't decide when we consume it

This is not a particularly hot take.

its based on tv shows, its cringe when its done in movies

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>Season ends on a cliffhanger as a desperate attempt to not cancel the series?
Most season ending cliffhangers are actually written to hold a gun to the head actors during contract renegotiations
>You’re a big star now? You want more money to come back next season? Fine, that ticking bomb goes off and kills your character.

Vince the Hack general

>now that media is on demand by the viewer, there is no need to write narratives that way since we decide when to consume the media, the media doesn't decide when we consume it
Seems to me like Cliffhangers as a device are inconsequential, then, and a completely moot issue to complain about.

Furthermore, plenty of books end chapters on cliffhangers. Why do you believe this is unique to radio/

Youre a fucking dolt

Because you buy the whole book not a chapter every week

I miss when seasons would wrap up the plot so well you weren't sure if they werent going to continue. Now finales are just long drawn out conversations about how intense the situation is but then a scene at the end diffusing it with the minimal action necessary to keep normies interested.

Buffy season 2 was peak finale writing.

If youre physically holding a book in your hand and theres a cliffhanger halfway through, its usually a safe bet the book doesnt end there

Okay retard. It’s the truth though. It was standard procedure pre golden age.

seasons or episodes?

>Because you buy the whole book not a chapter every week
And you get the whole series.
So why are cliffhangers between episodes bad but cliffhangers between chapters fine?

Go suck Whedons cock somewhere else. Youre not old enough to remember plot points from Buffy when it aired. And if you are, the fuck are you doing

If you download a series and see that there's 26 episodes, you can safely assume that it doesn't end on episode 18.

>I miss when seasons would wrap up the plot so well you weren't sure if they werent going to continue.
>Buffy season 2 was peak finale writing.
The fuck

>the last 1-2 minutes of the episode a song plays loudly while cutting to all the characters while somebody narrates over it
>every episode