Jeepers Creepers is one of my favorite movies but man o man i wish there had been an incest scene

Jeepers Creepers is one of my favorite movies but man o man i wish there had been an incest scene

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>Victor Salva
>Heterosexual scene

you want to see another man fuck a girl you yourself want to fuck? you a cuck bro?

i want to fuck Justin too though, no homo of course. maybe not fuck, maybe just do some heavy touching

I want to fuck Justin Long, not the girl.

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I can't deny that I was waiting for it the entire film. The movie goes to poo as soon as soon as you get a view of the creature though

The first half of the movie is great though.

Even when they had the first look at him while driving past the church gave me shivers.

Part 3 was something else.

Part 3 was peak VOD trash

Friendly reminder that the director is a convicted pedophile who ripped key plot points off of an old episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

third act is a pleb filter

Why are whites so obsessed with incest?

>Whole region of the world where incest isn't just an obsession, it's a way of life
>Meanwhile a few degenerate whites show interest in it
Lmao fucking white people

I wonder if the monster fucked him before carving him up.

a glorious practice of royalty

I have sexz with milf mommy?
Any problen nigger

name one thing the villain did wrong. people just hate him cause hes gay

Very nice big bush. Baby i love you...

Justin Long and Chris Shepardson were relentlessly handsome.

i'm glad justin long is dead

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before modernization incest was alot more common among whites than other races and it shows.

There is literally nothing hotter than incest

Mommy and submission!
Mommy city!
Mommy paradise!
Dreams of mommy!
Dating my mommy!
My new mommy!
Son of a mommy!
Summertime mommy!
Dreaming of mommy!
Mommy lessons!
Big mommy!
Man of the mommy!
The mommy!
Mommy family!
Make mommy not Waagh!
The mommy room!
Mommy house!
Mommy's villa!
A wife and mommy!

can't argue with digits


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B a s e d

there's literal DNA tests that prove this isn't true, MENA is inbred as fuck going back hundreds of years fyi

post moar. did you screengrab any kino Creeper shots, lad?

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