Fren: The Movie

So we have the Wojack Movie (TFW No GF)
and we have the Pepe movie (Feels Good Man)

How would the future movie about Apu go?

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Apus search for a fren

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ooo like a film about user's looking for a fren and positive side of internet culture. Would be comfy

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spurdo movie would unironically be kino

is this thread just an excuse to post apu?

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that actually could be interesting, it would be a good look into internet culture outside of the west. I'd check it out and also it could go into early internet memes like pedobear

no Fren we need a movie about little Apu

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>apu cant find his fren at the end

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but what were they really taking a pic of?

i think it was a topless woman. or maybe she was in a bikini, i cant remember

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can you make one of these with a number chart so we can roll for them?

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Where is the abloo-bloo guy?

desu i was thinking of some kind of comedy or retarded spurdo version of a normal movie

APU Great Escape

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ohh I just don't think it's a good idea to give meme characters their own movies. It would end up being like the Emoji movie , I know documentary stuff about memes and internet culture is cringe, BUT if you focus it around a specific culture of the meme and what it represents to people it could be some cringe kino. Or perhaps even an enlightening or fun watch in general.

>this whole thread

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apoo hehe

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Apu? Isnt this just pepe but fat?

If you like that some user in /tg/ is making a Apu mini

its pepe but finn

Sorry the thread went to archive, here is the model so far

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Pepe is smug frog.
Apu is little smug frog.
Groyper is fatter smug frog.

compeltey naked, is pretty fucked up

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He finds them obline :)

Fuck off shill

it would just be chappie but with a frog instead of a robot

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Apu is not smug, he's cute :)

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can someone post the original pic?

it's in mint condition

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no, because it's gay