So we have the Wojack Movie (TFW No GF)
and we have the Pepe movie (Feels Good Man)
How would the future movie about Apu go?
So we have the Wojack Movie (TFW No GF)
and we have the Pepe movie (Feels Good Man)
How would the future movie about Apu go?
Apus search for a fren
ooo like a film about user's looking for a fren and positive side of internet culture. Would be comfy
spurdo movie would unironically be kino
is this thread just an excuse to post apu?
that actually could be interesting, it would be a good look into internet culture outside of the west. I'd check it out and also it could go into early internet memes like pedobear
no Fren we need a movie about little Apu
>apu cant find his fren at the end
but what were they really taking a pic of?
i think it was a topless woman. or maybe she was in a bikini, i cant remember
can you make one of these with a number chart so we can roll for them?
Where is the abloo-bloo guy?
desu i was thinking of some kind of comedy or retarded spurdo version of a normal movie
APU Great Escape
ohh I just don't think it's a good idea to give meme characters their own movies. It would end up being like the Emoji movie , I know documentary stuff about memes and internet culture is cringe, BUT if you focus it around a specific culture of the meme and what it represents to people it could be some cringe kino. Or perhaps even an enlightening or fun watch in general.
>this whole thread
apoo hehe
Apu? Isnt this just pepe but fat?
If you like that some user in /tg/ is making a Apu mini
its pepe but finn
Sorry the thread went to archive, here is the model so far
Pepe is smug frog.
Apu is little smug frog.
Groyper is fatter smug frog.
compeltey naked, is pretty fucked up
He finds them obline :)
Fuck off shill
it would just be chappie but with a frog instead of a robot
Apu is not smug, he's cute :)
can someone post the original pic?
it's in mint condition
no, because it's gay