Your words cut deep kid, deeper than any blade

Your words cut deep kid, deeper than any blade.


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was the kid his sex slave?

Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind

yeah, im thinking kino.

Hey Zabuza I’m walkin ‘ere

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literally the best possible ending to the bridge fight

As a teenage boy with liberal ideas in my head I didn't understand why it was so satisfying to see Kakashi donut Haku, but now I know that it's because trannies are inherently disgusting and deserve to die.

That'd be Bleach, at least Naruto has some inspiring elements in it.

You really haven’t learned anything have you Sheldon

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only newfag transplants think this show is good


>a fucking johnny bravo thread still up along with a bojack and another cartoon thread
>naruto threads instantly deleted

Yea no faggot. Im postin this shit all night you worthless janny. Based OP keeping this going since my last one. Appreciate it

One thing's for sure, it's more memeable. I don't think I've ever seen much in terms of Bleach memes. Except for Aizen and Superman.

It is widely agreed that Naruto is the single best shounen to have ever been made. Even despite its (large) flaws for the raw unfiltered kino like this and the Pain invasion.
Hiatus fags and Juan Pees losers need not reply.

The games definitely make up for shortcomings.

The is only ONE peak sharringan Aesthetic. You know what it is?

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Leekspin is literally Bleach.

>when your first arc is your best arc
Is there any other show like this?

Is there a swastika one?

i miss when this site hated this shit anime

That one is old as hell. But, yes. But, in terms of much aside those, not much. But, I will give leekspin credit for being psuedo mainstream.

Bleach (arguably), dragon ball z and suits

It still does but I never got the anti naruto autism there's way worse anime and manga that Yas Forums never spergs out about is it just cause naruto was so popular?



triple tomoe becasue

The show is shit after episode 50, but everything before that is kino of the highest degree. The only other anime that can match it in SOUL is Bleach, but Bleach has a terrible plot.
>inb5 One Piss and Hunter x Hunter
Literally the most sterile and lifeless consoomer garbage.


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I miss this nigga

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