Planet seems like it's being taken over by psychopathic control freaks and I remember seeing gifs from this film but...

Planet seems like it's being taken over by psychopathic control freaks and I remember seeing gifs from this film but I've never seen it so I'm gonna watch it tonight.

What are some dystopian kinos I can watch in 4k while i wait for the drones to come chip me?

Attached: file.png (420x630, 403.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4098351,00.html Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf

Never forget that it was the Jews who did 9/11

Can't seem to find this movie on my torrent site.



Attached: consume.gif (460x612, 3.06M)

Look for Dancing Israelis

Have fun watching kino

the part of "dancing israelis" pol doesn't want you to know is that all 5 were arab-israeli

This just shows how fucking high IQ they are

>Be Israel
>Want to make Greater Israel
>Decide to do 9/11 on WTC
>Create al qaeda years earlier by recruiting from jihadists who some reason agree to be your agents despite being religious fanatics
>Inform thousands of Jews to all not show up to work, none of them ever blab or leak the info or accidentally reveal the plans at any point before/during/since
>Install remote operating systems on planes secretly that are so technologically advanced we still don’t have such precise systems 20 years later.
>Fly the remote controlled planes into towers
>Fire cruise missile into pentagon from ??? that is never spotted on local radar. Was a super secret stealth cruise missile that 20 years later we still haven’t ever seen I guess.
>Crash plane in Pennsylvania for some reason even thouhgh you could have hit another target.
>Stop all traffic coming out from the planes communications/phones, somehow, so nobody knows the truth
>Fake a phonecall of an uprising on a plane
>Set off bombs you secretly set in the WTC in the cooperation with local nefarious jewish agents who somehow perfectly keep all this a secret
>Frame Muslims on the planes who actually dindunuffin despite having years of terrorist affiliations. Fake all that evidence too
>Have your proxy leaders in 40+ countries support the Afghan and Iraq Wars, including your arch-enemy Iran.
>Osama bin laden/AQ does a Dooku in Ep 3 tier level of not telling anyone he was a jew pawn, just goes along with it
>Pay off the tens of thousands of people involved in this so they never spill the beans. Not a single one. Not even once. Even though they could get far richer doing so and jew agents apparently love money.
>20 years later, and Israel has actually DECREASED in size due to the Gaza withdrawal
legit 300 IQ comicbook supervillains

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>the jews are behind attractive woman
lol okay incel

>see movie about highly advanced superior race which controls lower dumb race of drooling slobs effortlessly
>haha this is just like me and the jews
oomf, that's some inferiority complex

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go back

make me

Attached: REEEEE.jpg (637x662, 94.62K)

I used to think all races wwere equal. Then I got redpilled on the JQ on Yas Forums and realized Jews are the Master Race for doing all this crazy genius shit and controlling literally everything ever

Guess how I know you're Jewish

rent free

wtf how is repeating back EXACTLY what you believe a jewish conspiracy now? Is there anything that isn't a jewish conspiracy?

how am I jewish? I agree with your analysis. They Live is about Jews. Jews are super advanced aliens controlling Whites who are dumb stupid animals.

What an odd way of saying a group of people base their entire existence on being sneaky, amoral weasels.

>Is there anything that isn't a jewish conspiracy
I doubt it
>Jews are super advanced aliens controlling Whites who are dumb stupid animals
This is how I know you're Jewish

how does believing Yas Forums conspiracies about jews makes you jewish?

exactly what blacks say about whites. Weird.

Attached: literally pol.png (729x288, 150.46K)

>hey guys the jews are behind everything
>I agree, the jews are behind everything. Here are some natural conclusions you can draw from that
literally you

I'm sure the abos in asutralia thought the english were cheating when they showed up with magic boom sticks and got btfo. Your cope is the same cope of an inferior group as it is conquered

Thats not what I said at all. Peculiar that youre deliberately misrepresenting what I said in that way.
Theres a reason Jews change their name and hide their background in public. Its very commonplace for them to sow division with the phrase
>fellow white people

why'd all these non-jewish actors change their names?

Olivia Wilde = Olivia Cockburn
Marilyn Monroe = Norma Jeane Mortenson
Jaime Foxx = Eric Bishop
Whoopi Goldberg = Caryn Elaine Johnson
Rock Hudson = Roy Scherer
Michael Caine = Maurice Micklewhite
Dean Martin = Dino Crocetti
Michael Keaton = Michael Douglas
Martin Sheen = Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez
Charlie Sheen = Carlos Irwin Estévez
Sigourney Weaver = Susan Weaver
Charles Bronson = Charles Buchinsky
Joanna Aniston = Jennifer Aniston
David Bowie = David Jones
Nicholas Cage = Nicolas Coppola
Carmen Electra = Tara Patrick
Joaquin Phoenix = Joaquin Bottom
Vin Diesel = Mark Sinclair
Ben Kingsley = Krishna Bhanji
Elton John = Reginald Dwight
Marilyn Manson = Brian Warner
John Legend = John Roger Stephens
Bruno Mars = Peter Gene Hernandez
Liam Neeson = William Neeson
Brad Pitt = William Pitt
Lana Del Rey = Elibzeth Woolridge Grant
Alicia Keys = Alicia Cook
Portia De Rossi = Amanda Lee Rogers
Nicki Minaj = Onika Tanya Maraj
Nina Dobrev = Nikolina Dobreva
Iggy Azaela = Amethyst Kelly
Miley Cyrus = Destiny Hope Cyrus

it's the same. In social darwinism/survival of the fittest there is no "fair". The fish thinks it's unfair when it's so stupid it gets tricked by an Angler Fish. same principle with Jews vs. whites. The jews control everything, we both agree. This shows they are the stronger race with a higher intellect. I'm not sure why you want to start at the first but not make any conclusions about it.

I'm not white, I'm asian and in asia jews are respected for their intellect and power. Why you say things then get butthurt when people agree with you is a mystery tho.

>why'd all these non-jewish actors change their names?
Do you mean why were they told to change their names by jewish executives? 50 years after the jews in the industry made it a common practice? It surely couldnt be to normalize the act of changing ones name.

>hey guys, the jews control everything. But not because they're smarter or whites or dumb but because they're "cheating" at some sort of mythical ruleset that apparently now exists and if you don't buy this you're jewish
lol okay

proofs they were all told to change their minds by "jewish executives" as part of a conspiracy to disguise name changing

>in asia jews are respected for their intellect and power.
Ask me how I know youre lying.


Attached: jew master race.jpg (652x350, 19.34K)

>ur a jew
>ur a liar
is this your response for everything? You really are just mindless drones that swallow popeyes and oxy because the jews tell you I guess

it's literally true. In Korea we are apprehensive about whites doing complex tasks unless they're Jewish because otherwise good chance they'll fuck it up.

>This shows they are the stronger race with a higher intellect
Except that it doesnt. It shows that they will go to further lengths to accrue wealth. A lack of morals and a higher devotion to greed has nothing to do with intelligence.

you're basically just pulling the "and the noble indians were one with the land and didn't need those guns or steel or towns". Attempting to correlate lack of power/development with nobility is cope 101 for a conquered group

>whites kill 20 million in the congo but hey they're totally moral guys the jews only beat us cuz DEY CHEATIN

Attached: we wuz.jpg (705x773, 118.68K)

all races compete against one another. Whites abused blacks for years and used them to become wealthier and more powerful. You're just mad a stronger race came along and did the same to you.

I never called you a Jew, just that you were lying by pretending that Asians respect Jews specifically for their intellect and power. I have found this to be untrue, and your only proof is that you say so.

Jewish IQ is well documented to be higher,7340,L-4098351,00.html Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf

ah so you're a dumb weeb who gets his impressions of asia from Yas Forums anime threads. Sorry to burst your bubble bub, in asia we respect power and success over anything else and mock you fat weebs that idolize our culture.


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and your only proof he's wrong is your anecdotal (likely false) observations. Cope.

tfw no cute skull alien gf

Compared to whites, Jews have:
>Higher IQ
>Higher GDP per capita
>Higher percentage of professional degrees
>Higher percentage of STEM jobs per capita
>Higher life expectancy
>Higher high school & college graduation rate
>Lower rate of violent crime
>Lower rate of drug use, drinking, & smoking
>Lower rate of STD's
>Lower rate of broken homes/wedlock births
>Lower rate of unemployment
>Lower rate of welfare use
>Higher rate of self-made millionaires
What's the deal? Are they just superior?

Attached: jew chads.png (6340x1932, 501.43K)

lmao Yas Forums getting dabbed on ITT

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>and the noble indians were one with the land and didn't need those guns or steel or towns
Thats not even close to being the same.
Jews are known, historically, for being obsessed with wealth, and willing to go to great lengths to obtain it- even at the cost of ruining their host country. Theyve been kicked out of several civilizations as a result.
You, of course, know this, but youre misrepresenting what Im saying as a way to get (You)s, because youre Kung Flu'd and desperate for attention.

>tfw be Jewish
>wake up
>Some fat slobbering moron waddles in, gives me my bagel and cream cheese
>"good goy"
>Throw him a few oxycotin pills as he shrieks in delight
>Siri, Open Front Portal
>Front Wall opens up, revealing my massive window view of Manhattan
>Hold wine glass between my fingers, sip some scotch
>Throw my snotty tissue out the window and watch a nigger and mutt fight over the contents
>Goy, bring me my Jew Pad
>Another fat, barely sentient mutt servant brings me a secret piece of quantum jew tech
>Begin to manipulate the touch screen
>Ah, Switzerland's market is a tad too high today. We can't have that
>Press a frowny face and snicker
>Sit back in my chair and light a cigar. It's a secret jewish brew that doesn't have any of the cancer causing properties of goy-cigs
>Well, now while we wait for the fun to start...
>clap clap
>Row of 10/10 goy sex slaves come walking in
>Press button on my chair
>All their breasts begin to inflate

GODDAMN I love being Jewish

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whites have run down entire continents in the pursuit of wealth, you're just buttmad that you got btfo without even firing a shot.


whites have been expelled from 190 countries

Attached: white expulsions.jpg (1357x617, 189.77K)

>complex tasks
like stopping an invasion of your country by other koreans who live off tree bark?

you really belong in the inner city with these SJW-tier arguments on why races aren't actually inferior to one another

>"Im pretending to be retarded" bait


this is why jews are dabbing on Yas Forums so hard in this thread, their shit is just funnier and more creative. All pol can do here is seethe and call everyone a jew.

>whites have run down entire continents in the pursuit of wealth


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