Who was in the wrong here?

who was in the wrong here?

Attached: Penguinz0 Absolutely Destroyed Vegan Gains - YouTube.jpg (1280x720, 68.15K)

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Who are these fags?

nobody important

the muttoid nigger probably

take this as a lesson zoomers never be a vegan and never do a face reveal, also try not to be a minority or whatever the fuck that is

I told someone in critikals YouTube livestream chat they “sounded like a fag” and Critikal thought I was talking to him, so he gets real offended and pauses the whole stream to check out my profile. He flames me, and mocks my videos. He said “wow Mario and Battletoads speedruns can’t wait to watch them” Then he saw my profile pic called me fat told me I was unhealthy. (It wasn’t actually a picture of me it was some mexican) When I finally told him “I wasn’t even talking to you quit being so sensitive” he was taken back but decided to just ban me.

manlets are wrong by default, user

charlie is a soiboi cuck that backs off EVERYTIME someone he bad mouths actually replies to him

god I hate that faggot on the right

he suffers from severe self steem issues because he was fat autistic manlet as a kid

I don't watch e-celebs so I don't care

and then everyone clapped

Black Dad White Mom Hybrid Vigour

Attached: n5UBz7vOCFvXTJE1mWZHj08W41k6RXMz5HrTXV1owKE.jpg (1080x1080, 157.21K)

sauce of event happening

Who the Fuck are they?

Why did critikal have to become the very thing he hated years ago

What race is cr1tikal? His dad is white but I don't know what his mom looks like. Could be hapa, jewish or half arab/spic

Report janny here

so you're telling me i can call him an unfunny faggot and he'll stop whatever he's doing and focus all of his attention on me? that's pretty sweet

You know how sensitive ftm trannies can get.

Poop cum fart shit stinky fart poopy booger.

every streamer faggot is like this, i asked imaqtpie whey did he abandon his dog in a shelter and her perma banned me from his chat

remy also blocked me from twitter when i asked her how she would explain her blacked video once his son grows up

looks like some form of east asian/MENA mix since he looks exactly like this guy I know who is half-lebanese/chink

it's almost like these streamers are just thin-skinned pussies and not gods like the kids put them out to be

he grew up and had to make it a career

Can't get by on only making 4 minute shitty indie gameplay commentary and commercial dubs

this could be bs but desu I wouldn't be surprised

is there a thick-skinned streamer out there?

Vegan Gains is the best natty bodybuilder/nutrition guru on YouTube

cr1tikal would probably call a starving ethopian fat

Attached: cr1tikals legs.jpg (1280x720, 192.75K)


>that pic