Have you ever watched a talk show?

Have you ever watched a talk show?

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I have


>Burger television

Fat. Fat. Fat. Fatty fatty fat fat. Fat fat fatty fat.
one rule: no fat chicks. fuck off architect

Theyre still trying to suck in their gut because theyre ashamed

These women cant wipe


>good morning brittain
proving yet again that yuropoors are leagues less intelegent than Americhads

Whos the girl on the left

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and that's a good thing

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Thicc women should bike not run. No knee strain or boob bounce issues

Gal Gadot

Not gonna lie. I live for this thiccness.

Larry King Live was good
so was Talk Soup

Most day time TV is aimed at people with double-digit IQs

Kys kike rat shill

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I want to grind up their seats into powder and snort their ass sweat and juices up my nose until I coom

I despise fat people.

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Some of them ain't bad

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That one on the right can get it.

Sounds based.

All fatties deserve death, which thankfully comes sooner for them than regular people.

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come on man that's a weak excuse to post a webm you like even by Yas Forums's standards

how does she whipe?

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right is really hot but is not healthy to be that big

Clean it up nursey



No she isn't, fuck off.

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God I bet she can shoot some mighty shits

Imagine the smell

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I'd still fuck her brains out and eat her ass like a nigger, but being that fat is not healthy, corona proved that if you weren't convinced already

Daily reminder

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Sure you would fatty.

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The definitions of soul vs soulless