Have you ever watched a talk show?
Have you ever watched a talk show?
I have
>Burger television
Fat. Fat. Fat. Fatty fatty fat fat. Fat fat fatty fat.
one rule: no fat chicks. fuck off architect
Theyre still trying to suck in their gut because theyre ashamed
These women cant wipe
>good morning brittain
proving yet again that yuropoors are leagues less intelegent than Americhads
Whos the girl on the left
and that's a good thing
Thicc women should bike not run. No knee strain or boob bounce issues
Gal Gadot
Not gonna lie. I live for this thiccness.
Larry King Live was good
so was Talk Soup
Most day time TV is aimed at people with double-digit IQs
Kys kike rat shill
I want to grind up their seats into powder and snort their ass sweat and juices up my nose until I coom
I despise fat people.
Some of them ain't bad
That one on the right can get it.
Sounds based.
All fatties deserve death, which thankfully comes sooner for them than regular people.
come on man that's a weak excuse to post a webm you like even by Yas Forums's standards
how does she whipe?
right is really hot but is not healthy to be that big
Clean it up nursey
No she isn't, fuck off.
God I bet she can shoot some mighty shits
Imagine the smell
I'd still fuck her brains out and eat her ass like a nigger, but being that fat is not healthy, corona proved that if you weren't convinced already
Daily reminder
Sure you would fatty.
The definitions of soul vs soulless