Movies only you have seen (hard mode)

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I watched this at my grandparents house when I was a kid and my grandma was shocked when Christina Applegate gave her mother the finger.

No one else that I know has even heard of it

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This one is good. I like the liver scene.

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how to start a thread when your a zoomer

I've seen both.

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none of these movies are obscure you fucking zoomer faggots

Blackout (2013)
It starts off great but some of the found footage plot-lines start to drag

>Robert Carlyle
>Liv Tyler

worth checking it out?>

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I'm 26.

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I win, now help me find this Bryce meme

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I think this might have been the beginning of Kathleen Turner's decline

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Is that John Oliver in the bottom left?

Mom movies rock.

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Do you have any idea how popular that movie was? Jesus Christ

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>tfw no real life mommy market to pick out a mommy gf

I do. Zoomers have no clue

Nah, not really.

Robot Jox

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>13k on lb
try harder

holy fuck i remember watching this as a kid and always trying to remember what it was called. great home alone rip-off i always wanted to see again

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it was never released on dvd or bluray only streaming but there are some 1080p rips.

It's not as good as I remember

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Allen Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold

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yeah prob wouldnt be as good to me now but as a kid i was like FUKK YEA THIS IS GREAT!

similarly revisited this whcih i probably last saw around the same time as a kid. HOLDS UP!

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and this

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