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plebs love it

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i don't get all the hate this movie gets, i found it genuinely hilarious, i was astonished to find out it has such a low grade on critic sites

The Cat in the Hat 2003
Too Old to Die Young
Xavier: Renegade Angel

kino ahead of its time

>Freudian imagery and motifs
>Complex father/son relationship
>Satirisation of stock comedy tropes
>Deep exploration of what it means to be a man v. animal
>The female as both a representation of feminine freedom and virginity
>Themes of birth and life, with a conspicuous absence of death
>Mature handling of child abuse
>Womblike/uterine themes of desire
>Classic bildungsroman with proper buildup and payoff
>Masterful use of Brechtian techniques
>Subtle Verfremdungseffekt
>Successfully masquerades as trashy lowbrow comedy

Truly the artistic masterpiece of the age.

the critics are only ever right by accident

It really is a genuinely funny film with some semi highbrow themes thrown in. The humor is insanely over the top and vulgar - I think it loses a lot of people between the horse dick, the child birth scene and the kid getting seriously injured.

>the horse dick, the child birth scene and the kid getting seriously injured
those are some of the best parts

This post is basedlike and redpillian.

I only love the boot camp everything else is a slog and pretentious


Wheres your LeBaron Freddy?

The critics are literally always wrong

i love Rip n Torn's performance.


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Goddamn this movie brought me so much joy as a kid. Tom Green's a comedic genius.
True pioneer.

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It was lolrandom humor before it became played out.


This. It’s a modern surrealist masterpiece and biting meta anti-comedy post-ironic critique of mass consumption entertainment.

The Greatest Pleb Filter of All Time (TM)

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Enlighten us then with what you consider highbrow to be highbrow cinema. Give us all a laugh.

BTW, user would you like some sausages, user would like some sausages. Sausages. Sausages.

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This film is dada as all fuck


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>what you consider highbrow to be highbrow cinema
Griffith, Eisenstein, Dreyer, Murnau, Chaplin, Hawks, Ford, Capra. Freddy Got Fingered is the only film of this century that I would call a cinematic masterpiece

i will never get those 3 hours of my life back
worst Lynch

It's actually his best film though

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Is anything streaming it right now?

this is pleb filter for Star Trek

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Rip Torn made the movie for me. I probably would have hated it if weren't for him.

Inherent Vice

Good movie despite the absolutely ludicrous hacking shenanigans and visuals