We literally confirmed the existence of UFOs today and nobody gives a shit

We literally confirmed the existence of UFOs today and nobody gives a shit

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take your meds


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if the aliens don't have a pill that makes my dick bigger than i dont care

You mean drones? Yeah they've existed for decades bro

Those fighter pilots and sailors already told their stories years ago. The government corroborated with them.

We already have those, just click the adverts on porn sites.

What article are you talking about, m8?

we already know aliens are real
i mean one is president

ufo is not same as alien bro

I feel it's way more likely it's japan or russia testing some stealth drone than little green men from outer space. I mean, why would they travel this fucking far and this fucking long just to buzz around the clouds and mess with cows before fucking off?

show me a drone we are aware of that can move 80,000 feet in less than 1 second from a stop and decelerate to a stop instantly.

I've been trying to tell people Obama was a grey but no one wants to believe me.

The existence of Unidentified Flying Objects has literally never been in question because it is an astonishingly generic term. Let me know when the government actually identifies those objects as ayymobiles.

my penis lol ur gay shut up

uhh, give me a link there?

the footage is from 2004, 16 years ago.

They are long gone now

Unless it dematerializes it's just breakaway civilization tech which is 50 years ahead of our own at least at all times.

its funny how this has been adopted as the "rational" stance. Theres ALOT of implications with statements like that.

>turn on the news
>the anchor says my full name and address again
Why do they keep doing this? They know I'm not going to fall for it, right?

Attached: you said something stupid.jpg (250x250, 9.9K)

lmao owned

only one video, the other two are from 2017

Yeah let's pretend the russians aren't 10 years ahead of us in the hypersonic arms race and it was just aliens hehe...

LOL they've been here since the beginning of man you dolt. 10 years is nothing. There have been tic tac sightings off that coast since recorded history in that area

>Theres ALOT of implications with statements like that.
Sure, but there's way more implications in confirming that we arent the only intelligent life in the universe and that other beings have mastered interstellar transport

Give me Identified Flying Objects and I'll give a shit.

you are saying in 10 years we will have vehicles that can accelerate 80,000 feet instantly and move around and about those types of speeds without any influence of inertia?

Let me guess: it's some microscopic bacteria on a Jupiter moon or something.

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the existence of UFOs has been confirmed since the announcement of UFOs you fucking retard

bros i desperately want an alien gf

we're still here.

>driving along one night
>turn on the radio
>the man starts talking directly to me, asking me about my trip home, calling me names
>see a man glowing in the street, pretending his car broke down
>realize he's a CIA nigger
>run over him

>it's just some of those Chinese anti-gravity drones bro
That in itself would be a huge deal you moron.

Oh look an american brainlet. This technology already exists. It only work in the atmosphere though, not in space: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetohydrodynamic_drive

Are you saying you're not saying it's aliens but it's aliens?

>implying an alien would be that dumb

Which is why that is scary but its statistically probable. We just figured out that our neighbor star system has an earth like planet. This implies life in the universe isnt rare. meaning that there are trillions of trillions of other species, some being millions of years older.

literally everything that flies is an ufo from my standpoint

oh god here come the /x/pats

unidentified does not mean aliens. it means unidentified.