What kind of Uzi 9mm should I buy today?
Uzi 9mm's
The .45 one.
Those are brand new, he just got them in.
Be sure to get one in the 40-watt range
>gets sent to past
>asks about the gun which will only be used in future
is skynet that dumb?
No u
You can't do that here.
it didnt send a gun back with him so yes
I apologise.
According to the canon extended cut of T2, the T-800's are dumbed down unless they get their chip reset manually.
But they could only send back organic matter.
*fohdee vatt range
buy the SPAS-12 too
Does this gun shop still exist today?
Are you allowed to do that?
Hey, you're not so bad. I'm gonna let you have the future gun, free of charge.
>not getting a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range
Gonna end this once and for all
>Terminator enter gun shop
>Needs to acquire a primary weapon which will inflict max amount of damage in the range that he operates so he visually scans the rack and selects the 12 Gauge Autoloada
>Terminator parameters now switch to prioritize a secondary more concealable weapon as a backup and notices the .45 Long Slide w/ Laser Sighting (important)
>After completing the inspection of the handgun, the terminator accepts this as a suitable weapon
>At the same time his programming notices the laser sighting. All the files the Terminator has for this time period doesn't suggest that laser sighting should exist yet. And realistically, this was a very new accessory for firearms at the time.
>Terminator processes this information and concludes that since there are little to no records of pre-Judgement Day, there might be a chance to acquire a plasma rifle in this time period. Especially given the fact that laser sighting is present while not being in his internal files.
>Terminator most likely narrows down plasma rifle selection to the earliest iterations. In this sense, the Phased Plasma Rifle in a 40 Watt range could very well be some sort of pre-production prototype that has the earliest data of appearance on Skynets data files, and by extension, the Terminators data files.
>The shop keeper is quick to retort with a snide remark
>Terminator calculates that plasma rifle technology must not exist due to tone and inflection detected in human response
>Now Terminator needs another weapon to fulfill the role of the plasma rifle. It is logical to conclude that it was needed for supression/automatic fire.
>For this reason, his programming looks for something in the shop that will fulfill the tactical purpose of the plasma rifle. Finds the Oozie Nein Mehlehmeeta and decides to use this in its place.
>After inspection of all firearms are concluded and all firearm roles have been filled, it is time to dispose of the shop keeper.
Which film unironically has the best gun salesmen?
Didn’t one user post an explanations a to why he asked for the phased plasma rifle? Something about the t800 thinking the laser sighting handgun wasn’t made in 1984, but then he got one which led him to believe they might have the plasma rifle too
Based and 40 watt rangepilled
>wrap the gun in a bag made of meat
Am I smarter than skynet? Also how did they send back the t1000 anyway? It doesn’t have any organic matter
Commando, because self-service beats having to deal with a salesman.
What's the retail on one of those?
The GBU one is by far the best scene and salesman
It makes sense that the Terminator was confused. That sort of laser aiming system didn't exist in the 80s. For the movie the had to have it connected to a battery back that went through Arnie's sleeve. Given that, the Terminator might have thought plasma rifles might exist as well.
>yfw the gringo says there's a 15 day waiting period for handguns and revolvers
This. The terminators are coated in “real” living skin that regenerates. Just put one of those things on a plasma rifle or a tank or a John-Connor-seeking missile.
i dunno how laser sighting works but how does it line up with the barrel properly when its so high above it? how do the two intersect at the right target at every distance?
how much?