Clone Wars

Order 66 is the next episode
Also Ray Park's mo-cap

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>replaces your canon with an overrated kids show

>Inhibitor Chips

Fuck, Rey Park got fat. There was a rumor that they wanted Witwer to play live action Maul because of that.

Why isn't this show called Ashoka wars? She seems to be the central character

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It takes place during ROTS
What's happening to other characters is just ROTS.
I do agree the last arch could have been replaced by anything though.

Dave Filoni seems to be unable to grasp the concept of soldiers being loyal to their country and commiting immoral acts without being literally mind controlled.
As if that never happened in the history of the world before.

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Actually inhibitor chips were the idea of George Lucas's daughter.

How long until Disney introduces female clones?

>clone episodes were shit
>all the other episodes were even worse
why do people continue to shill so hard for this?

>3D Soi Wars cartoon
>Under Disney management

Fuck off

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You must realize that it would be pretty retarded to do a show with the explicit objective of humanizing regular clone characters without the chips though

why would the clones betray the jedi who fought side by side with them and also helped them win countless battles? even roman soldiers were more loyal to their own generals than to rome itself. the chip makes sense.

they already did and it was better before

clones still had genetic engineering to make them follow orders and give them loyalty without a chip. this is explained in the movie.

Not every clone has to be the literal paragon of virtue that would never do wrong.
I think the Holocaust would be a better analogy here. If soldiers always followed their conscience instead of following orders, there would be no genocides. The thing about Order 66 is that Palpatine played his arrest as an assassination attempt and basically declared Jedi traitors of the state.

Orange butt cheeks, retard.

Just finished the original run today. I enjoyed it occasionally for seasons 1-3 but season 4 and on were pure unadulterated Starkino. Maul resurrection arc was great and I cant wait to watch s7

god forbid you might actually feel something when the clones youve been watching fight the war get the order to exterminate their officers. the order that states that the jedi attempted a coup over the republic and are now designated traitors.

fuck imagine how horrible and cringe it would be to watch the clones be in shock that the jedi would do something, but under order from the supreme commander of the republic (who looks fucked up, lending credence to the "jedi are taking over" act), the man whos been the symbol of the republic they do their duty and kill the jedi. perhaps we'd even see that shock turn into hate and rage, perhaps the clones really believed the jedi were betraying them and couldnt believe those fucks who ordered them around would pull shit like that.

you have to remember these are clones, they are bred and wired to be FOR THE REPUBLIC 24/7/365. attacking the chancellor means attacking the republic, order 66 means defending the republic. the republic means more to the clones than the jedi, and that is the KINO of order 66 because the jedi never thought that what they were doing could be seen as wrong (aka attempted assassination of the supreme chancellor, as no one but them knew he was fucking sidious).

but no we get chips because fags like you cant understand war


The dude can still fucking move, wait till you're in your 50's blobbing around trying to find your dick and see who comes out on top.

>implying that man face abomination is Ahsoka
They ruined her and all the pandering is killing anything that was left.

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Actually it's a Lucas idea most of the show is.

maul should have stayed dead
spider maul was cringe
mother talzin and dathomir has done terribly
half of tcw episodes are mediocre
rebels was absolute trash. years wasted on more crap

Rough ideas don't matter. It's pretty much entirely in Filoni's hands.

>George Lucas's daughter.
She's an annoying feminist cunt

Episode 2 literally states they've been modified to be more obedient and less independent.

He deserved better.

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they have her covered from head to toe like shes a fucking muzzie fundamentalist.
no skin allowed in disney-wars

>executive producer of the majority of the show didn't have a say
Sure thing user.

>meanwhile when Lucas was calling the shots

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>If soldiers always followed their conscience instead of following orders, there would be no genocides
except in the Balkans

Clone wars is great actually. I like the colors and the sfx is really good.
-sent from my iPhone

>If soldiers always followed their conscience instead of following orders, there would be no genocides
user you do know there were many people in the trials who outright said they agreed with what they were doing right?

You sound very naive user

That wasn't about "not doing wrong", the problem is that clones developed a loyalty TO THE JEDI, and MOST clones would hesitate, disobey the order, or detain their generals instead of executing, or demand explanations, if they weren't specifically programmed to carry it out without question.

Miss Me Yet?

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yeah what's wrong with her face as of late?

The Holocaust is not a valid comparison. Jews weren't the generals that the Nazis loyally served under for years. They were branded as a foreign, subversive influence to otherize and get rid of from the start. They weren't just declared an enemy overnight.

Disney. This is adult Ahsoka without Disney.

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his clone wars was actually good

I would like it tbqh, especially if they used some kickass Mandalotian warrior lady as a template and used the clones for some sort of special ops.