I fucking cried, she died 3 weeks after recording this.
I fucking cried, she died 3 weeks after recording this
faggot op
>Woah... that's so profound...
Marijuana really does lobotomize you
t.edgy loser who is still going through his "I hate my parents" phase as an adult
lol what a loser.
I watched the first episode expecting something like AT for adults and it's literally the JRE with unrelated cartoons in the background. Why does this exist besides to push more pro-legalization of marijuana
>someone dies
dude who cares, people die literally all the time. Seek help.
faggot manchildren
sooo edgy man, I bet you still watch gore on /gif/ loser. You're probably a kid though and haven't experienced your parents dying yet so i'm not going to give you much shit.
you'll grow up eventually and get over your mental crisis or whatever is going on with you.
I appreciate the animation, which is consistently fun to watch. A lot of the podcast shit actually pisses me off though. I hate people talking about spiritual bullshit like auras and ghosts and acting like they’re intellectuals. That kind of thing isn’t “plausible”, it’s just what they want to be the case.
I preferred the first episode to most of the others because the topic wasn’t complete garbage, but they still didn’t really say anything of worth.
you can't call people "manchildren" if you lack so much life experience you can't understand why a person losing a parent is "sad" that's autistic. Empathy is something you literally learn as a little child like by 8 most kids have had an experience with death in some form.
> you're only experienced after your parents die
fuck off
You’re projecting massively. You’re manchildren because watching an animated podcast of someone talking about their mom dying made you cry.
t. doesn't understand the profound love possible between a mother and son
haven't even watched the show but I weep for you
see you literally can't wrap your head around a basic idea so you just jump at the superfical aspect of the post without seeing the forest for the trees.
dude what the FUCK are you even talking about? you're literally on a message board dedicated to anime and television, don't even try to act like you're better than anybody else you fucking delusional idiot, you are really disconnected from reality.
and stop saying "Projecting" , you might as well just say "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I" and post a wojack.
>acting like they’re intellectuals. That kind of thing isn’t “plausible”, it’s just what they want to be the case.
This. And it's always these NPR wannabe fucks that have a certain cadence and speaking pattern that makes it even more hateable
two people can't even form full thoughts, jesus i mean i get you're trolling or w/e but do you only think in memes?
Whatever fag
Stop crying to cartoons, faggot lol
That's just one episode you fuckin retard
kys redditor
a shame she wasn't in something good
K well the concept is fucking retarded so I'm not watching anymore.
God I hate you. Life is literally the most precious and rare thing in the universe and you act like a blase asshole about it because you've perceived that it has no worth, when quite the opposite is true, since you've had a bitter go of it. Get over yourself.
nobody is making you watch anything, you know just because Yas Forums and reddit tell you to watch something you don't HAVE to watch it right? You have free will and your own likes/dislikes everything you do doesn't have to be to impress people online.
>Life is literally the most precious and rare thing in the universe and you act like a blase asshole about it because you've perceived that it has no worth, when quite the opposite is true, since you've had a bitter go of it. Get over yourself.
lol you're such a fucking loser dude, you're going to be LOST if you ever have kids one day, you'll probably kill yourself before you get to that point though
>I communicate exclusively in memes
>it's a Yas Forums thing, you wouldn't get it
>gawd, mom is sooooo reddit
>Get over yourself
>W-Who cares about dying m-morty there's infinite universes your life wasn't important you're just one Cheerio in the buuurp big box of life
Fuck off nihilists
>real men cry to cartoons, not silly stuff like the birth of a child or the death of a loved one
Not him but my mom is a massive neurotic whore who cheated on my dad and destroyed our family. I really don't care.
Dilate and have sex
>Death is nothing, EVERYBODY dies Morty *b...burp* you're parents exist in..in *burp* infinite realities morty FEELINGS AREN'T REAL IT'S JUST CHEMICALS IN YOUR BRAIN
kys autist.
I knew this was gonna be the last episode and I’ve listened to TDTFH a lot back when his life was going to shit. It cute that she could still teach him hippie shit. All the teddy bears were performing famous psychological experiments was cool. The whole concept of talking to your dying mother about death shortly before she dies then putting cool animation to it is a crazy concept for a cartoon and it’s definitely a unique kino.
That being said the topics do get overwhelming and hard to follow and comes off as pesdointellectual, but it’s good for your brain to think like that sometimes
Get over yourself! ugh
ah we see the numale here who's only capable of thinking in memes, see as he rattles off his pre-programmed reddit responses like "seething", "Dilate", "Have sex".
>you know just because Yas Forums and reddit tell you to watch something you don't HAVE to watch it right?
Yikes, what the fuck are you talking about? I never said this dipshit. I only checked it out because I was a fan of early AT
>ah we see the numale here who's only capable of thinking in memes, see as he rattles off his pre-programmed reddit responses like "seething", "Dilate", "Have sex".
Who died? can someone tell me?
OP's balls