
Funniest intro edition

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Best episode.

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Best opening theme.

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At first the opening was eerie and unsettling and then when the music kicked in I understood what was going on and I could not stop laughing. Without a doubt the most Ive laughed at a Star Trek episode.

>obsessed with Klingon shit even though he was raised by humans
>gets his ass kicked all the time
>deadbeat dad
>ruined the vacation to Risa

Why does Worf suck so much?

Maybe he gets his ass kicked all of the time because he was raised by humans. He might try his best to forge some bond with the Klingon that he missed from his childhood. He knows he lacks the upbringing and combat experience of the average Klingon so he overly respects Klingon culture as a means of compensating.

is /trek/ dead?

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if that's the case, why did he abandon his son, forcing him into the same fate? Some pussy space HAPA raised by old humans... Worf sucks

Worf overcompensated his klingonness, ironically becoming the only klingon to truly embrace and hold true to their ancestral belief in honor. Worf choose to be hard of heart but he grew up when klingon and federation relations were just stabilizing. By the time Alexander came around klingons were old hat and he was treated more equitably by federation folk. This made him weak, and Worf knew it. Alexander should have become a barber or some shit, he wasn't built to be a warrior

I liked how they made other Klingons laugh about Worfs idyllistic vision of Klingon honor.

Great episode premise but the acting was far too hammy. Also some hooker winning the power struggle at the end was blah.

>Worf choose to be hard of heart
But did he have faith of the heart?

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are any of the novels set after NEMESIS any good? I feel like they'd scratch an itch but there's so many of them, dunno where to start...

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No one in TNG had faith of the heart. They were all cogs in the Starfleet machine. Each character alike and indifferent from one another.

The Enterprise crew all had faith of the heart. All of them had recognisable human qualities and a drive to be where they are and to explore the stars. The TNG crew were onboard Enterprise because it was their Job. The original Enterprise crew were onboard to further Humanity. ENT has more soul than people give it credit.

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>Why, yes I'm Tom Paris. How did you know?

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that screenshot is the literal definition of blank, soulless stares

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Most of these are okay, except Before Dishonor which is garbage.
They also start to fall off the rails with the Typhon Pact stuff.

Be one of us,fren.

When Alexander come from the future , that means there are two Alexander's ? What if Alexander the old have a child? He will have 20 years of future information very important to the federation and klingon empire.

I can't believe they killed Harry.

>be me
>a highly intelligent gentleman who is picky about quality and value
>often looking for a delicious new lunch spot
>try the Replimat on a whim
My friends I tell you, it was one of the best meals I have had this year. The Andorian cabbage mixed with the moist and hot broiled Zabu meat. The cool Ektarian fizz, the hot and crunch sand peas, totally blown away.
I was able to get a value meal for 5 lita and they even complimented my shirt. They don't let Klingons touch your food and they also have I'danian Spice Pudding.
Head on down to the Replimat today and get yourself some good mood food. You won't regret it!!

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I think my favorite thing about Star Trek is being able to make up any kind of nonsense word and it'll work.

>Ah yes my shipment of Gandaxian Silk has finally arrived
>I think I'll pass on the Vintok Cider, a bit too sour for my liking

Attention, Bajoran workers. Harry Kim does not have a penis.

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He's Asian, they already knew.

Does your penis not retract into the body when not in use?

>Ah yes my shipment of Japanese pornography has arrived


>The human fascination with hermaphroditic females is very curious indeed. I had been led to believe that humans were strictly heterosexual in the 21st century. I suppose you learn something new every day.

>Harry was Henriette all along

>According to records, Earth in the 20th and 21st centuries was subjugated by a race of people who claimed to be victims of a genocide which did not occur.

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you: JEWS