
How did the glowies get away with it?

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>the boot on your throat wins
gee, who would have seen that coming

koresh was an autistic fag who got all the wimminz and children killed with his autistic faginess

People in government are never held accountable. No one will be held accountable for this clusterfuck of a disaster response to the coronavirus either.

still surprised that this nigga has gets work after John Carter and Battleship

Is this show any good or worth sticking around for? I only watched the first episode and couldn't get past some of the clunky dialogue. I get that it's a cult so maybe nonsensical shit that just sounds weird is part of it. I had high hopes for it though and I love Michael Shannon, so somebody please talk me into it.

Federal agents are pretty much immune to criminal prosecution

It's propaganda to make the feds look better:

Federal goverment is a criminal conspiracy basically, and there is no one there to prosecute them. The best you can hope is that they fuck it up so much that you'll get some sort of deal to keep it out of the public's eye, like Ruby Ridge

Watch Waco: Rules of Engagement instead.

There was a rising tide of militia activity in the US after Ruby Ridge so they made this a big thing.

Not really, it totally ignores the FACT that, atleast certain members, the davidians self immolated

There’s nothing wrong with the government taking out schizo Jesus, cuckolds, and their offspring

Reminder Hilldawg shot called that order to send in the tanks -- that's power

The feds pumped flammable tear gas into the compound, then fired tracers into the building, knowing it would ignite.

I've seen it and that's probably the best documentary on Waco that I've seen. I guess I was hoping for a good dramatized show version of the siege but my early impressions are that the Taylor Kitsch version isn't it.

And Timmy McVey did nothing wrong in response.

Everyone knows the feds fucked up waco big time and tried their best to bury everything and pretty much got away with it, this video is way too smug and arrogant since it's stating such a well known fact

koresh was based, redpilled and dindu nuffin

>Watch Waco: Rules of Engagement instead.


>m-muh waco

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Seems pretty based. But in all seriousness, this is at the core of all abuses of power. The abusers must never, ever be punished in the eyes of the abused.

>FACT that, atleast certain members, the davidians self immolated
There is no proof of this, except for an audio tape that has never been released even though it supposedly exists and always gets brought up as the only proof

It's really good on many levels. The cool 90's vibe, the Texas ideas of real American Freedom, and the mounting escalation toward the fiery conclusion. If you don't get into it after the 2nd full episode, you might just be a swine.

Or they will fuck up so bad, that a true patriot will right the wrongs.
>in b4 OKC was an inside jerrrrrrb

Most normies under 25 have never heard of this whole thing, since it happened before they were born. The Netflx series portrays the feds as being sympathetic to the Davidians, when in reality, they treated them worse than the US military treats enemy combatants. It also severely downplays the involvement of Janet Reno and the Clintons.

I like Taylor Kitsch

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An excellent supplement. I watched ROE before the mini series came out, and then again after. The two really dovetail nicely.

>certain members
>The ones not ignited by the thick layer of flammable powdered tear gas and FBI incendiary devices
Don't you have a dog to shoot or something?

>2nd full episode
Alright, I'm going back in. Thanks user.

They removed the free version from YouTube, but it's out there somewhere I'm sure. Try archive.org

*avenges waco and ruby ridge by blowing up hundreds of glowniggers and their hellspawn*

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You really think all 100+ members of this religious cult in texas were all on the same page? Don't you think there had to have been a few of them who were willing to die, and for their children to die?

Looks like it's included with Prime if you've got it. Of course you could always torrent it as an alternative.

If McVeigh knew where Lon "Widowmaker" Horiuchi lived, and he did he was handing out cards with his address on it at Mount Carmel, why didn't he just kill him? At the least that would avenge Ruby Ridge

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