The film that filtered Yas Forums

The film that filtered Yas Forums.

Attached: The Deer Hunter.jpg (2170x3200, 1.25M)

I watched it when I was like 12 and found it boring

It's one of walken and deniro's best work.
>one shot nick

I don't recall anyone mentioning it one way or the other.

good movie, one of my favs

Rewatched it Saturday, still a 9.5/10

Agreed, proof the people on here are tasteless retards. Cimino is a genius and Year of the Dragon is my all time favorite film but it's helped greatly by Rourke being my all time favorite actor

Attached: yearofthedragon.jpg (608x900, 117.34K)


first third takes way too long, the second is probably not long enough and the third is fine.

I was around 15 when I saw it, we watched it for a high school history class. That was at the age where I strictly interpreted "movie day" as time to either take a nap or play on my Gameboy, and I really need to go back and rewatch it as an adult. I only really remember the Russian roulette scene but I was either asleep or catching Pokemon throughout most of it. It took us a whole week of that class period to get through it and you shouldn't watch a movie over five full days anyway. Good week of school tho.


people complain about the pacing of the the wedding sequence or as you put it, the whole first third of the film, but what Cimino is doing is making the characters matter to you, making them relatable, while lulling you in to a sense of complacency so when shit hits the fan it's a real gut punch and it's happening to people you've grown somewhat attached to. A wedding is the perfect way to do what he did by the way and I'll defend it as long as I live

you could have done that without spending literally 20 minutes watching them dance

>but what Cimino is doing is making the characters matter to you, making them relatable
That's what he was trying to do, but sucked at it. I'm perfectly fine with it in principle.

imagine being such a pleb you have to lie to make an argument against a masterpiece
we'll have to agree to disagree friendo

I really enjoyed the movie but thought the wedding part dragged.

Fucking A, OP!

That's not how watching movies works though. We don't forget we're in a theater or watching the TV because a scene goes on for a while, if anything we feel more aware of the director as storyteller and ourselves as viewers. I love that sequence, but immersion in character isn't the best argument for it. I appreciated it as an application of Visconti's approach in The Leopard to the working class, instead of the aristocrats and arrivistes Visconti's film was about, and I appreciated it for that. It's a similar sentiment to Bruce Springsteen's music, making big dramatic arrangements and using mythic language for stories of blue collar life.

that's probably because you're a zoomer with no attention span though my friend

As great as The Deer Hunter is, Heaven's Gate is better.

>I appreciated it as an application of Visconti's approach in The Leopard to the working class, instead of the aristocrats and arrivistes Visconti's film was about, and I appreciated it for that.
This desu
I liked the Deer Hunter's wedding sequence more than the ball at The Leopard, mostly because it was at the beginning


I couldn't get in to Heaven's Gate at all, I hated looking at it, whole film was this painful yellow, and the story, while interesting, was bogged down by the slow pacing. I love Cimino though so I plan to give it at least another couple tries, I believe there's genius there but it's damn exhausting to try and find it

If he cant do it effectively in 30 minutes then he wont do it in 60 minutes lmao. He's a hack who got thoroughly exposed with Heaven's Gate

I give my thoughts on Heaven's Gate here , but Year of the Dragon is incredible and proves he absolutely isn't a hack.

>all this hate on Heaven's Gate
You all wish your favourite film had an opening scene as good as that

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If I had to pick one, I think I like the ball more, for just that reason - it has such a weight behind it after what we've seen. Also, Visconti has the poignancy of his own perspective as an aristocrat drawn to Marxism, his mature mastery as a director, AND the added poignancy of making the film in the last years of the classical traditions of film craft that the ball sequence exemplifies. We are seeing the last of a world here in more ways than one. It's impossible for me to rank them, though.

I agree with you, but I do think the first two thirds of The Leopard are better than the ball scene

Great climax, however

> Cimino is a genius and Year of the Dragon is my all time favorite film

Most based thing I've read on Yas Forums this month. Cimino is unbelieveably talented and truly compassionate.

What does this even mean? If you can't do something in 30 minutes you can't do it in 60... that isn't true? You can just say bullshit doesn't make it true. "If you can't do something in 5 minutes you can't do it in 2 hours"

Wish this board cared for him more along with Rourke. I genuinely believe Rourke is the most talented actor we've ever seen even though he does a lot of straight to dvd shit now

I thought everybody loved Mickey Rourke, sad to hear they don't. Rumble Fish is another masterpiece with him, but even lesser films like Pope of Greenwich Villiage and the Wrestler he steals the show. Have you seen The Sunchaser and the Sicillian by Cimino?

>Have you seen The Sunchaser and the Sicillian by Cimino?
nope, I'll add it to my vudu wishlist and snag it when it goes on sale, I'm assuming you like it?
>Rumble Fish is another masterpiece with him, but even lesser films like Pope of Greenwich Villiage and the Wrestler he steals the show
Love all 3, Year of the Dragon is my favorite role of his but I also really love Angel Heart. The dude's an immense talent