Any movies about clash of yomon and ainu people?

Any movies about clash of yomon and ainu people?

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Me on the right

that's a yayoi and jomon man you dork

Me and this cute Yomon

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she's yayoi you fucking loser

shogun 2 is awesome bros i cant believe i never played a total war game before

Samurai champloo isnt a movie

Legit question is there movie about establishing civilization in todays japan?

the movie Silence by Scorses talks of jesuits trying to pull japs from their barbaric lifestyle

I'm American and have no clue what you're talking about.

>watch kurosawa films
>a lot of the actors genuinely look ethnically different to most japanese people today

What went on here?

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>we wuz Tennō-s

literally virgin vs chad
which hack wrote this shit?

Chinese and Koreans slipped in the gene pool.

That much post-WII?

It's the same with Hollywood movies to me.

I genuinely don't get how Asians are so nit-picky of what's considered Asian. Many even get eye surgery, especially in Korea, to distinguish themselves from other Asians.

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lol, there was some archeological digging that was pointing out japan was populated by koreans a long ass time ago but they didn't bother to continue looking into it. when i see op'S pic i think there probably was a clash of 2 ethnic background, those evolved from the koreans and those evolved from russo-mongolians from the north


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That's not it idiot, this isn't some mystery. The Jomon were the original inhabitants of Japan who crossed over during the ice age when Japan was connected to mainland Asia via an ice bridge. They're essentially proto-Mongoloids that are still genetically similar to modern mongoloids but didn't develop a lot of the features typically associated with them yet. While the Yayoi came later from Korea via boat and genocided most Jomon.

How did Japan get away with this?

Jomon are the same as the native Taiwanese and Tibetans

I've never seen a real life Ainu, just animu ones. Clothing aside, do they even look different than regular japs?


me also with the neanderthal features

Nah, yomon and yayoi are archeological material cultures and people from the mainland continuously migrated to the islands throughout their history

"Based" doesn't even begin to describe this

this looks amazing

Wtf is an ainu? Japanese nigger?


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me bottom right

Looks pretty kino for isekai shit