Joe, I'm not racist but how the FUCK does that make any sense?

>Joe, I'm not racist but how the FUCK does that make any sense?

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Mel Gibson when?

>Jamie pull up those stats. Is it really 50%?

>Mel Gibson celebrates John Lennon's death, claiming he deserved to die ... this according to the screenwriter of the failed "Maccabee" project, Joe Eszterhas.
>In a scathing 9-page letter, obtained by The Wrap, Eszterhas claims Mel once ranted about the departed Beatle, "I'm glad he's dead. He deserved to be shot. He was fucking messianic. Listen to his songs! Imagine. I hate that fucking song. I'm glad he's dead."
>According to Eszterhas, Mel saved his true fury for Oksana Grigorieva, saying, "I want to f**k her in the ass and stab her while I'm doing it."
>And on the business side, Eszterhas claims Mel said this of Ari Emanuel, the head of the William Morris Endeavor Agency: "He's a c*nt Jewboy."
How could one man be so based?

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You are right, Mel. It doesn't.

>"I want to f**k her in the ass and stab her while I'm doing it."
>"He's a c*nt Jewboy."

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Truly /Our Guy/. Checked

very sneaky of the Jews to start the Mongol conquests

>[Q] Playboy: What about allowing women to be priests?
>[A] Gibson: No.
>[Q] Playboy: Why not?
>[A] Gibson: I’ll get kicked around for saying it, but men and women are just different. They’re not equal. The same way that you and I are not equal.
[>Q] Playboy: That’s true. You have more money.
>[A] Gibson: You might be more intelligent, or you might have a bigger dick. Whatever it is, nobody’s equal. And men and women are not equal. I have tremendous respect for women. I love them. I don’t know why they want to step down. Women in my family are the center of things. All good things emanate from them. The guys usually mess up.
>[Q] Playboy: That’s quite a generalization.
>[A] Gibson: Women are just different. Their sensibilities are different.
>[Q] Playboy: Any examples?
>[A] Gibson: I had a female business partner once. Didn’t work.
>[Q] Playboy: Why not?
>[A] Gibson: She was a cunt.
How can one man be so based?

Very sneaky indeed

>*rapidly clicks his pencil for the entire podcast*

stunning and brave

Based Mel

I kind of can't stand Joe Rogan anymore since he had Big Boss on his show recently and platformed that anti American shithead

this is stupid, how can anyone ever argue men and women aren't different? Just look at sport segregation. If men and women are born so vastly different physically, how could they be identical mentally?

Big Boss is anti American?

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admit it we are all racist inside. we are not equal and not the same, never will be but that doesn't mean we should shit on each other. this western way of pushing this idea that we are the same is really just making things worse

Yes he's very big on H1B visas

Also Zanzibar land seems pretty suspect

Who the fuck are you talking about?


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Dan "Big Boss" Crenshaw

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the fastest pitch ever thrown by a woman is 68 miles per hour. No pitcher in MLB history has ever not been able to throw at least 80 miles per hour.

The man who sold the world

This guy has so many corporation hands down his asshole it's fucking obscene.

Anyone can see now how right he was by the myriad celebrity sociopaths singing Imagine so that they don't end up completely forgotten
Elton John's line rant about Imagine and Yoko is kino

Do Americans really elect Metal Gear Solid villains as their political leaders?

I think he's trying to get Mel to explain why the difference between men and women means that women shouldn't be priests.



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No but they elect those who are subservient to kikes


>She was a cunt.

Americans don't get to elect anyone
It's all decided by corporations who gets to participate in "democracy"

Mr Israel

MGS V solidified him pretty hardcore being a bad guy

>Child soldiers
>Ruining a man's life to put all this political blame on him
>Pretty much leading into MG1 where he becomes cartoonishly evil

There's more I just can't remember now not want to waste the brain cells on something kojima created

6 million? Are we seriously meant to believe that?

the amount this guy shills for Israel you'd he think he was elected to the Israeli parliament instead of American congress

I wish Mel would come back for the next Max.
>Max is that insane he sees anyone with a slight curve of the nose a jew and brutally executes them on the spot