Kino about future utopias?

kino about future utopias?

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holy based

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>Jews gone
>Sunni-Shiite war for Jerusalem 5 minutes later

Israel will fall some day. Like it or not.

Arab countries just get stronger every year.

cringe and checked

Yeah I'm thinking it's kino.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 97.08K)

What countries of origin?


hello? based department??

Lmao in your dreams Muhammed

Not with the current price of oil. How about you pay me to fill up my car?

And those trees will surely speak to you and tell you if there's a jew hiding behind it, eh? You people are so tragically retarded.

>fall of Israel
>breakup of the United States
Yes, because middle-eastern countries full of Muslims are known for their peace and stability. They totally aren't known for ceaseless mass repression, pointless warfare and violent revolutions ever since the fall of the Ottoman Empire a literal century ago.

Attached: Syrian Civil War, Landscape.jpg (2048x1335, 620.09K)

Who's funding this shit? It looks high budget

When did third world countries start making sci fi shit? Did we underestimate them????

t. Chaim Rabinowitz

>implying arabs arent led by jews
good job goyim


based (You)

>basic widely-known facts are Jewish misinformation
Sure thing, bro.


Yes Syria attacked itself and ISIS isnt CIA/Mossad asset made up like AL-Kaida couple decades ago. Are you too young to remember it newfag?

goodbye Jews

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>ceaseless mass repression
>pointless warfare and violent revolutions
Good thing the US installed most of the dictators and terrorist organization leaders or else the middle east might be a peaceful place.

Doesn't look that bad honestly, just a little generic.

>jews returned to their countries of origin.
soooo israel?

America would cease to be a country before Israel would fall. It's not only because of Jews either. Evangelicals are mostly to blame.

>"It's America's fault my country is so shitty!"
Whatever you goatfuckers have to tell yourselves. Even if your conspiracy-theories were true then youd countries were shit-tier before America ever fucking had the ability to intervene in anything.

Inside of volcano with their demon-god

Truth. Once the US collapses srael won't have it's honey anymore. The chinks could care less about Israeli tech and the Indians manufacture their own pharma. Israel has nothing to offer that other countries don't already provide.