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Little Women Atlanta's Ashley 'Minnie' Ross Dead at 34 After Hit-and-Run Car Accident
F, really enjoyed that "Feelin good as hell" song she had
Look on the bright side. She'll make for a lot of good soap.
Are they sure it wasn't a gorilla that escaped from the zoo?
how little was the car?
What am I ever going to watch now?
Had no idea this show existed. Looks like some passable dwarf porn candidates though.
Coronavirus got another one, we NEED to extend this quarantine another month.
Sounds like a tall order.
This. Everyone please hid in your house and obey your government
Damn she was so down to earth too, never thought too highly of herself.
I bet she never ran
Literally who
Also nigger
It was a small accident
WTF why is this thread dying this is important
Far left is genuinely hot, doesn't even look like a midge.
Saw a close up of her, not hot, but still would prob bang.
Oh my god, I didn't know this little fella existed until 5 minutes ago, but I just can't stop laughing. Those little hands, the driver probably couldn't even see it, just heard that thud and panicked. How is this so funny?
I hate hit and run drivers
If I saw a hit and run I would follow the driver home and let the cops know
If the driver were a person of shortness as well, would it be a hit and waddle?
Must have been a big vehicle. Like hitting an elephant.
who is this sheboon
This is the top trend on twitter so you fags better care
oh shit they're like actual little women hahaahah
i thought this was some desperate housewives shit but more about growing up and finding love in Atlanta
nope theyre all midges
Damn i want to use far left as a fleshlight. Looks like she gives sick head too. Little whore wouldn't even have to get on her knees. Where to find a midge like this?
>Hit and run
Must have been a well built car
How do you manage to hit something you can see coming a mile away?
Kek have they just cropped in the girl on the left? She looks like they just shrunk a pic of a normal woman
It's a fat dwarf. You wouldn't know that from OP's pic though
I saw that fucking headshot and was like "it'll be easy to find the person who did it, just check the local auto shops to see if any vehicles have came in with the front caved in like an accordion" but now I'm thinking whoever hit that bowling ball just assumed it was a possum or somesuch and kept going.
If they extend this shut down, I'm gonna blow my stack. I'm on a really short fuse.