The only good part of this absolute shitshow of a trilogy is when we get to see Saruman kicking ghost ass for about 30 seconds.
The only good part of this absolute shitshow of a trilogy is when we get to see Saruman kicking ghost ass for about 30...
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Why is Gandalf consistently getting captured?
Why does he always do weak nerfed magic while other wizards do high level shit?
>solos a Balroq
didnt see the other beings do that... Also Galadriel is one of the most powerful beings in middle earth.
Were Galadriel and Gandalf fuckin?
I read the Hobbit and TLOTR's in the late 90's, like 97 and I liked all the movies. I know people like to be snobby about it but they were all pretty good in different ways. Sure there was some unnecessary shit like Legalos jumping off of falling stones like a video game character but if anyone was going to do that an elf could.
Terrible. Looks like some dragon ball z shit.
It looks like a tabletop rpg group in the middle of a campaign.
What about the pinball machine?
The fall of erebor was the best part.
The ridiculous DBZ Nazgul battle was one of the shittiest parts of it.
They are fine movies, but they are terrible if you compare them to the book (streching 1 book into 3 movies, things that dont happen, characters that literally dont exist like that elf bitch) or if you compare them to the LOTR films (which are some of the greatest of all time)
>You should have stayed dead! xD
>uhh durr he can uhhh sowlwow a bowog an an uhh ya
>gets his ass whooped by sauron without his ring
I don't remember this from the book...
And wasn't Christopher Lee dead at this point?
Based retarded fool.
Why did they all have to come and help sauron? Aragorn took out a bunch of nazgul easily without any help. Holy fuck gandalf sucks
The flashbacks were the only good parts of this piece of shit
Cause he's a true wizard. It's the same reason he's never late. Cause he only does what needs to be done. If he's supposed to get captured he's a weak bitch, if he's meant to glass half the planet, he glasses half the fucking planet.
Delusional. These are good movies. You only hate them because you convinced yourself they werw going to be awful when they announced they were going to make 3 movies.
The only good thing from this trilogy is the Far over the Misty mountains cold song. When I was rereading the Hobbit, I unironically read it under the tune from the movie.
The first two is enjoyable on some level but the third one is just unsalvageable garbage
does anybody have the overpowered flying legolas killing 6gorrilion orcs?
reddit also hate the hobbit movies
is Yas Forums reddit?
For me its Legolas jumping stones and the amazing CGI
Is that webm supposed to look bad?
Dwarf riding a cartwheel in molten gold doesn't look retarded to you?
Except nothing of that sort happens in that webm.
Also it's a fantasy adventure movie. Why is it fine for Indiana Jones to escape a giant boulder, but not for Dwarves to do this?
You're insane.