New thread for making 3DPD into pure 2d waifu

new thread for making 3DPD into pure 2d waifu

Attached: waifu.jpg (256x256, 27.29K)

Attached: hmm.jpg (256x256, 18.14K)

Attached: dey.jpg (873x867, 44.87K)

Someones gotta guess this one, come on!!

Attached: 66505CED-B5DF-4D74-B154-A06A0C35A091.jpg (631x632, 225.73K)

so pure

Attached: daisey kitty.jfif.jpg (256x256, 19.6K)

first one to guess gets a free Subway sandwich

Attached: ohnonono.jpg (256x256, 17.89K)

Lindsay Lohan

Attached: 2020-04-28-15-27-26-.jpg (256x256, 25.46K)


Attached: ani-waifu.jpg (256x256, 21.06K)


Attached: B0D199FE-6925-4A28-997E-9ED6B0FC0DB2.jpg (750x633, 263.4K)

Attached: download (1).jpg (256x256, 24.58K)

oh, my

Attached: kino.jpg (688x621, 34.73K)

ok this is based

Attached: anime alex.jpg (256x256, 18.78K)

Make Anime Great Again

Attached: 5B832F60-D427-4FE6-A955-5E096063B967.jpg (256x256, 20.62K)

Attached: ella.jpg (256x256, 22.08K)


Attached: 2Q==.jpg (256x256, 19.27K)

Attached: el expert.jpg (256x256, 21.9K)

fucking kino

Is that the French TV host who roasted Jonah hill?

>such a chad that even his anime version is just him literally

Attached: Z.jpg (256x256, 14.1K)

Attached: download (12).jpg (256x256, 19.83K)

not great, not terrible

Attached: comrade.jpg (575x553, 26.85K)

Attached: jygjhgjlhb.jpg (870x868, 47.59K)

Attached: download.jfif.jpg (256x256, 29.02K)

eyes are a bit fucked, but the hair is spot on

Attached: download.jpg (256x256, 23.07K)

Attached: 20.jpg (256x256, 19.18K)

Attached: download.jpg (256x256, 18.24K)

neat idea but when i opened the website it downloaded something im not retarded fuck you OP

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Attached: coop.jpg (256x256, 16.22K)

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yes sir