Time travel done right

Time travel done right

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>2 whole seasons of German subs or crappy English dubs
lol never watched it.

>I’m a pleb and got filtered lol!!!!1!!1
Honestly, it’s been a blessing in disguise since we don’t get plebs discussing this show. Thank god.

No you just get people like me saying I don't give a fuck about it. Keep seething, dickhead.

Again refer to this point
Faggot. Go back to your capeshit. Faggot.

>being this much of a brainlet
Your loss.

Only the first one. The sequels ruin the time travel, even if T2 is a great action movie.

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So, do you think that nothing will Change?
The more and more the show progresses the more I realize that nothing they do will have any impact and they are just trapped in an infinite loop.

Learn Time, bro. There's no loops. There's only lines. All weaving a single superimposed line. Loops are just an illusion that has to happen in order for events to happen.

stop making threads about this show or by this time next week all the contrarians will be shitting it up for the rest of us, and that's how it'll be remembered in the end, from a series of wojaks with bear hats, or doomer larsjack, or whatever copypaste nu-ragecomics will serve as everyone on this board's introductory impression

You’re making my head hurt.

>don’t discuss a show that’s actually good

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>Loops are just an illusion that has to happen in order for events to happen
>meaningless babble as the crux of the argument

yes, don't bring anything you love here, what's wrong with you? it'll be raped before your eyes until the end of time

Im not a thinned skinned baby. Yas Forums hasn’t ruined anything for me.

>admitting you are an illiterate moron

i want you to think really hard about that

>cuck stamp
is trump derangement syndrome preventing people from making uplifting movies until his decades of reign is over?

I’m an adult, and the internet’s taste makers/autistic virgins on a board do not dictate my taste.

That's the whole plot of the story


I love this series. Can't wait for the next season. Acting is top tier.

Thats wheel of time rules which don't apply in this thread

Primer is better dumbass

>acting is top tier

only if it loops in season finale.

Great arguments , back to your capeshit threads , faggot

the first season was great desu
the second not so much.
not excited for a third season.


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What didn't you like about the second season? I thought it was even better than the first

based, people who unironically claim that others' opinions/fandom "ruin" something for them are the most pathetic faggots in existence.

Would you have done this?

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Louis Hoffman is relentlessly handsome.

Not him, but my gf didn’t like the second season compared to the first because she thought it lost a lot of the mystery. Which is fair I guess. They both felt very different thought and I’m very excited for season 3. I would be worried if this was not the last season, but the fact that they seem to have planned this out ahead of time gives me hope that it has a decent ending.

>English dubs
Is the voice actor for Louis Hoffman also relentlessly handsome?

Bases Louis Hoffman is relentlessly handsome poster.

Season 3 will be the final one , confirmed by the producers

yes she's so hot