Why is she so unfunny?

Why is she so unfunny?

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shes a fuckin jew

but she got HUGE MILKERS bro huge suckable milkers

she's actually very funny but you're either a Yas Forumsnigger told not to like her, or hate women because you're a kissless incel.

Tries too hard

Shes a woman

No she don't, I've seen he naked

She's built like a fridge and has massive milk reserves. Do you guys think it comes out at a perfectly chilled 40 degrees?

post a time she was funny, she has had a prolific career so there should be many moments to pick and choose.

These are the only correct answers.

She's a woman

jews are funny though

who gives a fuck. i'd blow out this whores asshole out every night. gaped to the limit and make her fart out my cum daily

she cute, she doesnt need to be funny
butterbody, buttercomedy

eternal evidence that face trumps all, even if its a 6-7

Thinks she's being edgy, but isn't.

they burn pretty well too

She was never funny, faggot. Not on SNL, not on Mr. Show, not on anything after. Not for a moment, or a glimmer of a potential moment. You have absolute shit taste in everything, you thirsty little worthless product of divorce and opiates. You will die screaming

me too and i wanna suck on those milkers all night till i COOM

nice try rabbi, that never happened

>post things that I'll just go WAHH NO
nah, I have better things to do with my time. Thread going to die soon anyway.

its a shame she wont show em again, Id hope she does once before she hits 50

I don't know about funny but I want to tit fuck her

>fucking seething

like he said, you're an incel.

go to bed sarah you were never funny, and no one cares about your vagina. you looked like a fool endorsing hillary now too.

MALE jews are funny, and only the alpha-chad type, not the basedfag type

I want her to nurse my children.

She’s already in her early 50’s

The biggest problem with her is that she hasn't ridden on my cock with those big Jewish titties flopping all over my face.

She had some good sketches on Mr Show.

Imagine sitting in a car with her, know that she's shit her pants.

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so like any other human being? being Jewish or not isn't relevant

Unleash dem puppys again sarah I know your here I wanna wackle My Tackle

>falling for her jewish tricks
she's a saggy titted fridgemode wench

Her show was unironically brilliant

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she was good in way of the gun




>be Yas Forums af irl
>can't stop copulating with jewess and brown girls

wtf is wrong with me bros? ;_;

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what is that?

Probably mentally ill if you call yourself "Yas Forums in real life" and don't see why that's laughable.

Construction markings that show underground pipes or wires or some shit.

underground survey, or layout markings for construction.

A walled chosen one mistaking construction markings for nazi graffiti.

>I can't tell what jokes are
are you faceblind too? She has said this was a joke.

she had a bit that was
>we can put a man on the moon
>so we can put a man with aids on the moon
>and if we can put a man with aids on the moon
>we can put all the men with aids on the moon
>and then we could finally solve aids

she used to be ok with edgy stuff up to a point in the '10s

Come on one of you faggots gotta have a webm split screen of her in take this waltz shower scene and her i smile back red carpet tit dress

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lol no she didn't retard.

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This actually

Back when she was on Larry Sanders with Janeane Garofalo and Norm wanted to fuck her.

Do you honestly believe that someone is that stupid? And that a comedian that has been telling jokes for almost 40 years, wouldn't make an easy joke about that?
>muh jooos
give it a rest, faggot.

shes a jew I wanna fuck