This is a 68 year old actress

>this is a 68 year old actress

Attached: 13 Nights of Elvira Puppet Master.mp4_snapshot_00.56.23_[2020.04.12_20.35.49].jpg (1280x714, 62.41K)

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is there something new? I love her

>tfw you will never be a tiny covid virus living the rest of your days up on dem big ol tittays

she looks good with that black thing in her mouth

>Pussy is a disaster area after Tom Jones deflowered her so hard she went hospital.
>To top it off she has given birth and is now 68

Beep beep! look like milk truck have arrived

Attached: 8f8885923382656a39371679a4ca69da.png (300x255, 108.2K)

she also has a bunch of 3rd degree burns all over her body

youthful awakenings...

She’s probably had surgery on it

she has essentially retired, so no. I still dunno how to find her 2011 movie macabre.

We'll always have those racey photos from the 70's user.

Attached: Elvira-Nude-Naked-Full-Frontal-4.jpg (599x821, 219.96K)

You just know they're still hefty

Attached: Elvira-1-1.jpg (655x873, 425.09K)

Just image the ride she gives you after taking off her dentures.

Sauce on OP's photo? Google just directs me back here.

>Pussy is a disaster area after Tom Jones deflowered her so hard she went hospital.
you can't break a pussy, virgin. he simply broke her hymen and she didn't know, as a young woman, what to do over the bleeding.

have sex before you reply, fucking hate this shithole

Attached: 1587813085106.gif (410x448, 360.27K)

Dang, is this worth a play? its looks pretty comfy.

How much do you think she would charge for a kick in the balls? Asking for my masochistic friend.

Kinda hot...

>she didn't know, as a young woman, what to do over the bleeding.
is she stupid?

Anyone have the gif/webm of her shaking her butt on the floor?

Ummmm nope. Just this one.

Attached: elvira hair down.gif (400x268, 1.94M)

it's called being young, incel

uh more

She looks so big here, ss tier. How tall is she?

i don't care if she's post menopausal i want to marry her

Attached: 1420393751476.jpg (960x960, 123.88K)

that's a real website. kino.

>She will never be your granny

And yet I'd still enjoy the hell out of those tits. HNNG.

Besides a little bit too much hair, that is a good lookin' puss. Good for her.

>too much hair
you're the pussy here buck-o

Attached: 1578221114730.webm (1108x1036, 2.87M)

Gravity defying everything

Why would I be interested in her pussy. I bet she gives head like a champ and her tits are probably fun to suck.

When I was a kid, there was an abandoned building in my neighborhood. In the second story window there was a cardboard cutout of Elvira, and I always got the most uneasy boners when I'd ride by on my bike. Like, total fear boners. Now that I'm 30, I can't get an erection without looking at a sun bleached life size photo of Elvira. It's ruined most of my relationships, because I can perform when I'm at home, and can sneak a peak of her in my closet before getting down to business, but I can't exactly carry it with me to the pub and back to a girl's flat. Anyway, that's my story about Elvira.

somehow she looks better now

Attached: BBIWlmI.jpg (1075x1023, 131.72K)

I'm all for a nice bush above the man in the boat, but keep the lips hair free.

They're all over the Internet, user.

Attached: elvira pigtails.gif (283x335, 1.3M)

A man of culture.

I love Cassandra, she's just perfect at her current age, perfect, I would marry her

it freaked the fuck out of to be honest.
>flipping channels
>She's on
>she's on a couch talking about the movie
>think she looks good for how old the show was
>out of nowhere she brings out a ipad
>freak out

The only GILF