What unironically went wrong?

what unironically went wrong?

Attached: limmy.jpg (1280x720, 120.59K)

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He's back, they are giving him a show in NBCBS.

dont know but homemade show was absolute fucking tripe and very boring
shame because limmys show is extremely re-watchable

>guy who got his start in "classic/old" media (i.e. TV) moves on to Twitch later in life
are there any more examples of this

he makes more money on twitch than he ever did on tv

think about that for a moment

wife and kids

Faggot was never funny.

he's always been shit

His brother is a well known white nationalist and was the first person to have the Limmy nickname. Limmy is a fag who goes out of his way to distance himself from his brother.

Sasha grey

hey is this that twitch streamer

>Scottish "White" nationalist

White or not, scots are far more clever than saxons are. Case in point: While a scot has no trouble understanding a saxon when he speaks, saxons often misunderstand a scot when he speaks.

Not an argument jew.

Sold his soul for a bbc2 timeslot.

The Scottish and I*sh bow to the Anglo man.

Nobody cares when a Scot speaks so it hardly matters

This isn't actually fucking true, is it? Explains why he would do stupid shit like ban Pepe from his stream.

Why are Scottish people so mean? They're the rudest people I've ever come across.

imagine being this autistic
i think the joke went over your heads guys

>implying that Scots love niggers like you Amerifats do

this - relationships suck all the creativity and desire out of you

He failed to get his Adventure Call spinoff

>Scots don't love themselves

His brother is based as fuck

how long until he becomes this

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 31.28K)

When he did the bit about the whistling that hit me really deep. When he said they boy whistled and stopped A BUS I nearly ended myself laughing.
Second one was better than the first havent seen the third one yet.

Absolutely clueless lol. Go to glasgow see for yourself.

Sick to death of samurai shite needs warzone back on with the chator ideally just fannying about chatting maybe driving or something. I'm just after watching his 321 stuff love him laying into the English with the thinnest veneer of pretending it's ironic.

He is the wrong -ish to make it big time

He was probably too lazy and depressed to figure out the next step in his career and to spend time working on a future project.

A common mistake, most sketch comedians go nowhere because it's not like their skills are in high demand. The only way to survive is to pull a Jordan Peele and do something completely different.


the uk fucking sucks. went ot jail for shitposting on twitter jesus christ

checked and keked

Primeval bantz, still in its raw medieval form

and heroin

didn't they have a spontaneous march for refugees a few months ago? they're one of the most left leaning populations in europe, they do love niggers

If your in glasgow going around calling people taigs and huns jail is about the best outcome for you. Eventually your going to get stabbed.

Only reason Scots love refugees is because 3nglish hate them. Not because they are friendly.

nah, it's probably because scotland is still very white, so they can afford supporting insane politics instead of being "racist"