What's next for Hailee Steinfeld's cinematic career?

What's next for Hailee Steinfeld's cinematic career?

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Hailee is a 23 year old actress and singer you absolute dip

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is she white?

uninformed moron
sleeping with an a-lister or famous director/producer

She most likely had to do sex acts to get her initial breakthrough

Foot porn

look black here


Wow go on

What about me instead?

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She's a filthy Jewess

eww she is like 12% african, disgusting... she's going to denigrate my pure Anglo-Saxon™ genes, next girl please.

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honestly, she's kind of over the hill. She isn't the kind of look that ages well.

Hailee is a SLUT

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are you a man of wealth or influence?


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she shave??

she was so hot in fucking Ender's Game and how she was bigger then ender

Yes, totally smooth

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Absolute thick thigh kino hnnnnng
>she will never wrap them around your head
Why even live?

you just know she's really familiar with the wooden veins of the producers' desks

Getting her father to beat up all the haters and losers, then starring in season 2 of "Dickinson", available exclusively on Apple+, please buy a new iPhone today.

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i need to lick it and suck it

>ywn be her dad

What the fuck was her problem?

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Bumblebee was a fairly big draw, if mecha capeshit

Her initial breakthrough was actually True Grit ten years ago


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If I ever have a daughter, I'll leave it in a dumpster with the rest of the garbage.


oh shit, i forgot about that. decent performance too.

You just know she absolutely worships White Cock

>that tite body

not attractive

hey...*snicker* what uhh...*snicker*...what's your cats name?

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she's cute but has no tits so there's no pointing


That's *is* the point


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hmmm...cringe but redpilled?

what point of no tits do you not understand

more crotch stuff mmmmm